I spent an extended weekend in the Pocono's of Pennsylvania last weekend at a resort called
Tamiment. Of course the website paints it in a much better light than it actually is.
My sense is that it is a resort that is slowly dying. The buildings and accomodations are getting old. The golf course was actually in decent shape.
Tracey (good friend from the CT office of Hyperion) and I drove to PA on Saturday morning (about a 2 hour drive). We meet up with a couple of her friends and proceeded to play 18 holes of golf. I had a lot of fun even though my golfing skills leave something to desire. Tracey though is the true golfing machine. Amazing how well and far she can rip a ball. The weather was threatening all day Saturday and did proceed to simply drench us for about 5 minutes.
The "real" golf outing started on Sunday and ended on Monday. A friend of Tracey's Dad has been putting on the event for a few years. Quite a few people were there to play, I would guess about 12 foursomes.
On Saturday, we played 32 holes of golf. For the first 18, I shot a 160 (80 on the front, 80 on the back). We had to call our last round of 18 short after the 14th hole to make it to the group dinner.
After dinner, a raffle was held and I won!! The prize: a Dunlop Hexsert putter. My very first golf club. I just might need to purchase irons, woods, and a bag now to keep it company.
Next day my first 18 holes were challenging. I just couldn't seem to hit the ball.
Tracey suggested at the start of the second 18 holes that I should stick with a single iron (the 7 iron) after driving and get used to hitting it. It did make the last round go by more enjoyable. I was able to hit the 7 iron consistently and straight. Played most of the 18 holes in the fairway.
I was joking earlier in the day that I was determined to get Lyme Disease since I was spending so much time in the woods looking for my ball. It is much better to be in the fairway.
My golfing weekend: Saturday 18 holes, Sunday 32 holes, Monday 36 holes, Overall 50 holes of golf.
Didn't get back to
Stamford CT until midnight on Monday. Great weekend!!
For all of the golf playing viewers, what would you suggest in terms of golf equipment?