A place for the Everett Family. Used for family news, random bits of interesting stuff found via the Internet, Monkey Friday, Left Hand Alert and whatever we decide to post.
I lost touch with him at least 10 years ago. Last time we chatted, he was still in the Air Force flying in AWACs (Airborne Warning and Control System). If it is him, based on the article, he is now working inside of the E-8 Joint STARS
Evel Kneivel recently passed on to the great jumping ramp in the sky. I remember seeing him on TV quite often growing up. His jump over the Snake River Canyon is my first memory of a greatly hyped event. Unfortunately, it literally fizzled out. I also remember a toy and a comic book.
I think both the toy and the comic were Tim's. I remember the toy being relatively fun (i.e. one that was played with more than once). Tim, do you have the toy and/or the comic? They're selling for about $40 and $20 on EBay!
Tim's Response: I probably have the comic still in one of the many boxes in the closet. The toy motorcycle didn't survive the many many jumps. The Evel Kneivel action figure (doll) though is still at the parent's house I believe. Last time I saw it, it was in our old bedroom closet's top shelf.
Our cat seems to be left-handed. Is that possible? Are animals right- or left-handed, as humans are? If so, how come, and what can be inferred from that about the meaning of life? --Pierre and Daniella, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Our kitchen and upstairs bathroom remodel was completed earlier this month. We're very happy with the results. Photos below.
Of course, the kitchen and bathroom didn't remodel themselves. Here is the cast of characters that made it happen.
Sharon – The very detailed, efficient, organized, and effective project manager.
Steve – Her faithful sidekick.
Simon – Contractor. Hard worker who produced quality work. Would definitely hire again.
Sidekick – Simon’s faithful sidekick. Prone to bringing up discussions on random topics with the project manager. Used the pantry to change to and from his work clothes.
Jerry (aka as “Professional”) – Sub-contractor in charge of the bathroom remodel. Knew no English at the start of the job. During the job, Sharon and her sidekick taught him such useful words/phrases as “professional”, “no problem”, “good attitude”. As a bonus, he also cut a house alarm wire and tossed his trash on top of the project manager’s lemon tree, knocking it down, much to her dismay. Took a multi-hour break from the job to escape the wrath of the project manager.
Shaolin Brothers – Two or three Shaolin temple brothers who are in America with their Kung Fu traveling show. Also showed up at our house to paint and do various other jobs.
Terry – Junk hauler. After loading up the second truckload of debris from the remodel, invited himself into the house to play piano and sing gospel songs he wrote himself.
This is a possible case of "better as a child" than as an adult. I recently started to watch "Battle of the Planets".
It is a cartoon that I very fondly remember as a young child (somewhere around 7 or so). Battle of the Planets is an Americanized Japanese cartoon. The costumes are very intriguing and really sparked my imagination and interest as a kid.
Unfortunately I am having an issue with the show as an adult. My problem is with Jason, the leader of the group. I hope I can overlook it but I am not confident. The issue is Casey Kasem. Casey Kasem (of American Top 40 fame) does the voice for Jason. I just can't get beyond that distinct voice...
Left to right: Jason, Tiny, Keyop, Princess, and Mark
I think this video clip from Top Gear shows why I am not up for building my current future car obsession... I am up for maintaining it though, due to its simplicity.
Here is Ben outside the room where the Jeopardy audition was held. He had a great time! He was very happy coming out of the room. He's holding a pen and a clip that he got from the Jeopardy people. He got to use the real clicker they use on the show. The Jeopardy people were very nice to both the kids and the parents. The contestant manager said 10,000 kids took the online test, 3,000 passed the test, and about 200 were chosen for auditions for 15 slots on the show. So Ben has already had some luck on his side. If he makes it to the show, we'll hear back around the first week of August.
The most recent song that has been stuck in my brain... I don't really understand what the song is about, but good stuff anyways!
When I Paint My Masterpiece (The Band)
Oh, the streets of Rome are filled with rubble, Ancient footprints are everywhere. You can almost think that you're seein' double On a cold dark night on the Spanish Stairs.
Got to hurry on back to my hotel room, Where I've got me a date with Botticelli's niece. She promised that she'd be right there with me When I paint my masterpiece.
Oh, the hours I've spent inside the Coliseum, Dodging lions and wastin' time. Oh, those mighty kings of the jungle, I could hardly stand to see 'em, Yes, it sure has been a long hard climb.
Train wheels runnin' thru the back of my memory, When I ran on the hilltop following a pack of wild geese. Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody, When I paint my masterpiece.
Sailin' 'round the world in a dirty gondola, Oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola!
I left Rome and landed in Brussels, On a plane ride so bumpy that I almost cried. Clergymen in uniform and young girls pullin' muscles, Everyone was there to greet me when I stepped inside.
Newspapermen eating candy Had to be held down by big police. Someday, everything is gonna be diff'rent When I paint my masterpiece.
For the fourth time in seven years, peregrine falcons are nesting at Oracle's campus in Redwood Shores, CA. Four peregrine chicks have taken up residence on the roof of the 400 Building, and can be monitored in real-time on the Oracle Falconcam, installed in a partnership between Oracle Marketing and the Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group.
This is just the latest visit from Sadie, a peregrine that nested at Oracle in 2000, 2001, and 2002. "We think Sadie has returned, because the peregrine we're watching on the nestcam has a black band on her right leg, and a silver one on her left—just like Sadie. If the letters "S" and "D" are printed vertically on the black band (these letters are where Sadie's name comes from), then Sadie has, indeed, returned," said Rosalie Gann, Director, Oracle Corporate Giving.
Glenn Stewart, Staff Research Associate, Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group, University of California, (UC Santa Cruz), will be monitoring the nest with us to see if the peregrine is Sadie, who he rescued from the Bay Bridge as a chick in 1998, banded, fledged, and then released back into the wild at Muir Beach north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
"In 2000, we saw Sadie on the Oracle roof, so, in cooperation with Oracle, we built a nest box for her," Glenn explained. "She laid four eggs then, too. Since then, Oracle and UC Santa Cruz have worked together to educate children about peregrine falcons" through classroom education programs and the Falconcam.
While Sadie hasn't nested at Oracle for the last five years, she hasn't been far away. Peregrine falcons often have more than one nest and typically choose dominant structures such as the Oracle building.
"We didn't know where she was nesting for a couple of years, and then one day, an Oracle employee was running on a trail a couple of miles from the Oracle campus and heard a peregrine falcon," Glenn said. "He called UC Santa Cruz, and we discovered that Sadie was nesting on a transmission tower in a stick nest stolen from ravens, which is a little unusual."
The Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group monitors and tracks peregrines such as Sadie. UC Santa Cruz biologists will band any young that Sadie produces, but otherwise, the peregrines will be left alone for the duration of the nesting cycle.
In California and many other U.S. states, the peregrine is an endangered species, as well as a fully protected species. Due to the success of release programs in North America, peregrine falcons are increasing in numbers and no longer are on the U.S. federal endangered species list.
I recently visited San Jose Museum of Art and just found Il Lee's work magical. His art simply made me happy. If you are in the area, I would recommend you check it out.
The other piece of work that really intrigued me was: Listening Post
My new car is HERE!!! Either picking it up today or early tomorrow.
Update: I will be picking the car up today!
Update 2: The car has been picked up and is sitting in my garage!! Yeah!! Immediate reaction: very nice, really like not having to get the key and cellphone out of my pocket.
The car doesn't have a key, just a "fob", an RFID device that recognizes me as I approach the car. Once in the car, a push of a button and the car is running.
With my bluetooth enabled phone, there is no need to take my cellphone out either. It automatically connects to the car and all of my calls are made hands free. Very cool!!
Heard this morning on the Adam Carolla Show that he is left handed. He describe the usage of his right hand as his "bad hand", such as using a circular saw with his bad hand.
Also got to listen to 10 second snippits of almost all of my music on my Ipod due to my friend that attended with me. Very small attention span, but I think she really enjoys trying to bug me with it. I am "bug free" in that regard.
The true highlight though was during dinner at Amicis East Coast Pizza in downtown San Jose. While sitting outside enjoying the beautiful California evening, Marty McSorley walked by. I was tempted to throw a body check on him but then I remembered this video... he is the one wearing the black helmet.
Sometimes my Ipod and the music it plays on shuffle makes me very happy. Tonight on the way to the bowling alley, it played AC/DC - Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution. The song got my energy up for bowling.
But what really brought a smile to my face while "rockin'" down 101 was Main Street Electrical Parade Medley from Disney on the way home.
Last night I came close but didn't accomplish either of them.
First game: only a single open frame in the eighth. I had good ball speed last night. Wasn't overthrowing the ball, though overthrowing was my downfall in the eighth frame and left the 5-10 split. For a final score of 191
Second game: 172
Third game: Struggled all game, ended up with a 136. Had an open frame in the tenth, left another split and proceeded to not hit either pin. Would come to "haunt" me when I added up the scores.
But he still speaks of numbers with affection and says that for him they have individual personalities, particularly the smaller ones. The number four, for instance, is shy, and reminds him of himself; nines are scary and imposing. Ones are shiny and bright, eights are blue, fives are loud, and 333 is beautiful.
Giving personality and colors to numbers is a form of synesthesia. Just another reminder to me about how amazing the brain really is.
How someone with synesthesia might perceive (not "see") certain letters and numbers.
This advice really is interesting, especially due to my Electrical Engineering degree. It also kinda fits on this day of romance that is called Valentine's Day.
My '93 Civic (184,000 miles) has finally made the decision to get a new car easy. The radiator let loose the other day and while in the shop, another 3-4 items were noticed that will need to be replaced in the next 6 months.
So I am giving serious thought to a new car. Maybe I will buy the original batmobile.
I am still here. Things are going well, just haven't been in a "blogging" sort of mind. Dani pushed me last week (I think her nickname should be the "Pusher"), she was tired of viewing the bowling ball. BTW: I appreciate and am very thankful to the Pusher for the pushing. :)
I should have more Serena/Uncle Gushing pictures very soon. I received a CD of pictures from the folks. In the meantime, enjoy this video of Crosswind Landing Testing. The last couple of clips of the Boeing 777 landing in extreme crosswind are very impressive.
It is official, bowling ball and shoes have been purchased. First set of games with the new ball and shoes: 128, 164, 171. The last game included even an open tenth frame.
It took a few frames in the first game to get used to the ball. Never bowled with a finger tip ball, but after a slight position adjustment on the lane, I was throwing some explosive strikes.