A place for the Everett Family. Used for family news, random bits of interesting stuff found via the Internet, Monkey Friday, Left Hand Alert and whatever we decide to post.
Tonight I received a letter from Sarah Palin asking for my donation to help the Republican Party.
The return envelope doesn't require a stamp, though there is a statement on the envelope requesting you to use your own stamp to save the Republican Party money.
Is it wrong to write a big zero on the letter and to send it?
Needless to say, the envelope will be back in the mail tomorrow with a big zero.
Click the link for the full article. Here is a small excerpt from the article:
We’ve been watching Barack Obama for two years now, and in all that time there hasn’t been a moment in which he has publicly lost his self-control. This has been a period of tumult, combat, exhaustion and crisis. And yet there hasn’t been a moment when he has displayed rage, resentment, fear, anxiety, bitterness, tears, ecstasy, self-pity or impulsiveness.
The article explains the appeal that Obama has for me. His ability to handle things with a level of calmness and thoughtfulness. Something that I haven't experienced in the last 8 years of "W"
I read a number of political blogs on a daily basis. My favorite is from Jim Fallows. He is a long-time journalist. I originally read his articles in the Atlantic. Here's an excerpt from his blog post titled Our Capacity for Self-Government.
Grow up. If John McCain has a better set of plans to deal with the immediate crisis, and the medium-term real-economy fallout, and the real global problems of the era -- fine, let him win on those. But it is beneath the dignity he had as a Naval officer to wallow in this mindless BS. I will say nothing about the dignity of a candidate who repeatedly winks at the public, Hooters-waitress style. A great country acts great when it matters. This is a time when it matters -- for politicians in the points they raise, for journalists in the subjects they write about and the questions they ask of candidates. And, yes, for voters.
Of course she did relatively well in a debate format where she could just spout the talking points rammed into her head, often when they had nothing to do with the question. In fact, at one point, she said she didn't have to answer the moderator's question, she was talking to the "American People". Not once did she state any specifics while I was watching. Here's how well she does when Katie Couric asks for specifics. There's no reason to believe that she's any better prepared in the two weeks of cramming for the debate.
But in the end, I don't think the debate really mattered. Those people who were going to vote for her are still going to vote for her. Those who weren't, still won't. And I can't imagine that those who are undecided heard anything to get them to vote for McCain/Palin. Here are two thoughts that were reinforced while watching her:
By nominating her, McCain is a cynical bastard who doesn't give a damn about the good of the country
If she ever was to become president, heaven help us (U.S. and the world).
But on a hopeful item, Obama continues to widen the lead in polls. In fact, the McCain campaign is pulling out of Michigan.
I couldn't stomach the VP Debate last night due to Palin. Instead I watched the San Jose Earthquakes, much better even though the game ended on a tie with a semi-questionable penalty kick in the last minute of the game.