Here is the weekly update on the battle for Hockey bragging rights.
Overall Leader:
katsmom3 29 - Not sure what happened... many of the individuals that were leading the contest have had their scores adjusted. Sadly for Steve, his score was not adjusted.
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 18 (Only got 3 points since the last update, but still holding first place)
finfanatic (SA) 17 (Sheryl, still pestering me for first place)
sharkfanatic (SH) 11 (Stacy, no comment)
puckinnet (SE) 10 (Steve E., I believe if I would have done the update a few days ago, Steve would have been in third place... but he has slide back into last).
A place for the Everett Family. Used for family news, random bits of interesting stuff found via the Internet, Monkey Friday, Left Hand Alert and whatever we decide to post.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Christmas Cheer
Santa and his reindeer - link was forwarded to me via Sheryl. (click on the reindeer as well as on Santa)
Friday, December 12, 2003
Couple of links
I recently moved the one legged bird downstairs into the computer room. I have a webcam that I don't really used so I decided to make the bird a web star. By the way, the bird's name is simply Bird. I tend not to be overly creative in naming of pets.
BirdCam - The BirdCam should automatically update every 15 sec.
Sam's Aunt and Uncle have an elaborate Christmas light display on their property. So elaborate, that it has its own web site.
Brown's Christmas Lights
BirdCam - The BirdCam should automatically update every 15 sec.
Sam's Aunt and Uncle have an elaborate Christmas light display on their property. So elaborate, that it has its own web site.
Brown's Christmas Lights
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Jan's Email
Jan, Samantha's Mom, sent me this email. She was planning to enter it as a comment but I believe it deserves its own entry:
Dear Tim,
I've tried to call you a couple of times but I guess you were busy or didn't get the message to call me back. It sounds like you have been very busy.
First I want to thank you for the beautiful DVD. I have only been able to watch it once threw tears of sadness and regret, with some laughter thrown in here and there in remembrance. I will cherish it always. I got sam's autopsy report on the same day as the DVD, so my emotions were running wild. The reality hit me hard once again.
As you know, as adults I tried to get Sam to let go of the bad memories and get to know the women we were now. She just couldn't let the past go and I just couldn't let it back into my thoughts and dreams. I have run too far and hard from those horrible years and except for Sam's questions or "remember when"s I have succeeded in getting very far away in body, mind and spirit. I could not go back and change it and I could never tell her why, so the gap of misunderstanding just grew wider until we were estranged for the last couple of years. I never dreamed I would never see her again or get a chance to build a bridge across that gap.
I am relieved that she knows the answers now but wish they could have come in an easier way. I look forward to her telling me why, when I see her again.
I am so proud of what you are doing with "In Vision" in her name. She would be so proud of you too.
As the law's of protection change and people like you and your company care and try to understand the cycle of abuse, there is more hope for those Little Sam's and their mothers.
If they can find a way out of the fear and hopelessness and see that people care enough to help them up out of the hole, they have a much better chance at life and love.
There were many Christmas times that an organization like this, along with family and friends made our Christmas when I couldn't. We always managed to have something under the tree from Santa. This was always the most exciting time of the year for Little Sam and the saddest for her mother.
Please don't forget when the season of giving is over that those women and children are still out there struggling to be free of the hurt and indignations of their everyday lives. There are many ways out and sometimes we choose the wrong ones time and again in our own struggle to survive. Sometimes it takes a strangers outstretched hand to say, "come this way. I don't have all the answers but I can show you there is a better way - a way out."
It took me many years to break that cycle of abuse that even Sam didn't see because I never seemed to make the right choices. I Pray that with your outstretched hand and support it will give many Little Sam's and their mom's a better choice.
It would make all the pain worth while and give some meaning to our quest to understand life, to know that your love and caring could help just one "Sam and Jan" not have to ask why about the past or be afraid of the future.
Thank You again Tim for ALL that you did for Sam and for this wonderful gift in her name. Life is good when you learn what real love means. When you know better, you can do better. until next time...........
With Love and Respect,
Dear Tim,
I've tried to call you a couple of times but I guess you were busy or didn't get the message to call me back. It sounds like you have been very busy.
First I want to thank you for the beautiful DVD. I have only been able to watch it once threw tears of sadness and regret, with some laughter thrown in here and there in remembrance. I will cherish it always. I got sam's autopsy report on the same day as the DVD, so my emotions were running wild. The reality hit me hard once again.
As you know, as adults I tried to get Sam to let go of the bad memories and get to know the women we were now. She just couldn't let the past go and I just couldn't let it back into my thoughts and dreams. I have run too far and hard from those horrible years and except for Sam's questions or "remember when"s I have succeeded in getting very far away in body, mind and spirit. I could not go back and change it and I could never tell her why, so the gap of misunderstanding just grew wider until we were estranged for the last couple of years. I never dreamed I would never see her again or get a chance to build a bridge across that gap.
I am relieved that she knows the answers now but wish they could have come in an easier way. I look forward to her telling me why, when I see her again.
I am so proud of what you are doing with "In Vision" in her name. She would be so proud of you too.
As the law's of protection change and people like you and your company care and try to understand the cycle of abuse, there is more hope for those Little Sam's and their mothers.
If they can find a way out of the fear and hopelessness and see that people care enough to help them up out of the hole, they have a much better chance at life and love.
There were many Christmas times that an organization like this, along with family and friends made our Christmas when I couldn't. We always managed to have something under the tree from Santa. This was always the most exciting time of the year for Little Sam and the saddest for her mother.
Please don't forget when the season of giving is over that those women and children are still out there struggling to be free of the hurt and indignations of their everyday lives. There are many ways out and sometimes we choose the wrong ones time and again in our own struggle to survive. Sometimes it takes a strangers outstretched hand to say, "come this way. I don't have all the answers but I can show you there is a better way - a way out."
It took me many years to break that cycle of abuse that even Sam didn't see because I never seemed to make the right choices. I Pray that with your outstretched hand and support it will give many Little Sam's and their mom's a better choice.
It would make all the pain worth while and give some meaning to our quest to understand life, to know that your love and caring could help just one "Sam and Jan" not have to ask why about the past or be afraid of the future.
Thank You again Tim for ALL that you did for Sam and for this wonderful gift in her name. Life is good when you learn what real love means. When you know better, you can do better. until next time...........
With Love and Respect,
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Thanksgiving in MI
Below is a collection of pictures (with comments from Ruth E.) from Thankgiving in Michigan this year. My parents and sister visited my Uncle Harold and his family.

Another picture. The woman with Julie is Kirk's girlfriend Sharon. I told her it was nice to keep that name in the family so it was easy to remember.

Dad & Kay. Karol Jo and I are checking out her plants in the background

Karol's daughter Katie, Kay's daughter Carrie (the same age as Dale) and Kirk

Here is a picture taken at Karol Jo's home. Let Ben see that I have curls again.

Donna, myself and Karol. This was taken after we stuffed ourselves with all the good food. Bob (Karol's husband) smoked two turkeys and deep fried one. It was all very good.

Another picture. The woman with Julie is Kirk's girlfriend Sharon. I told her it was nice to keep that name in the family so it was easy to remember.

Dad & Kay. Karol Jo and I are checking out her plants in the background

Karol's daughter Katie, Kay's daughter Carrie (the same age as Dale) and Kirk

Here is a picture taken at Karol Jo's home. Let Ben see that I have curls again.

Donna, myself and Karol. This was taken after we stuffed ourselves with all the good food. Bob (Karol's husband) smoked two turkeys and deep fried one. It was all very good.
Friday, December 05, 2003
Weekly Update on San Sharks In the Pool
Here is the weekly update on the battle for Hockey bragging rights.
Overall Leader:
FriesenFan (MS) 26 (once again, don't know this person, but they are in the lead overall, FriesenFan seems to be holding on to the lead, was leader during last update with 22 points)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 15 (Tim E. in the lead by myself again, lost two points in catching up to the leader, probably won't get the overall lead)
finfanatic (SA) 13 (Sheryl, still pestering me for first place)
sharkfanatic (SH) 8 (Stacy, no comment)
puckinnet (SE) 8 (Steve E., making a small move, maybe next week he won't be on the bottom of the list)
Overall Leader:
FriesenFan (MS) 26 (once again, don't know this person, but they are in the lead overall, FriesenFan seems to be holding on to the lead, was leader during last update with 22 points)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 15 (Tim E. in the lead by myself again, lost two points in catching up to the leader, probably won't get the overall lead)
finfanatic (SA) 13 (Sheryl, still pestering me for first place)
sharkfanatic (SH) 8 (Stacy, no comment)
puckinnet (SE) 8 (Steve E., making a small move, maybe next week he won't be on the bottom of the list)
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
shhhhh, be very quiet
Hello is anybody here!?!?! :)
I have been pretty busy over the last few days... going tonight to teach a basic computer skills class at an InnVision Inn (shelter). Work is a bit busy with a couple of big releases happening this week.
This weekend, I will be going on a shopping spree with kids from InnVision. Should be a lot of fun, each kid is giving $100 to spend.
The following weekend, I will be helping with a field trip to the Tech Museum with the InnVision kids.
Hyperion's Charitable Giving Committe is going to be donating money to InnVision in Sam's name.
The Sunnyvale Engineering team raises money every holiday season and this year the money raised will be provided to InnVision in Sam's name as well.
Even though you might hear my complain / whine / bitch about work, I do work with a great group of people.
Here is the email that was sent out:
Greetings everyone,
As some of you are aware, November and December are the months that Hyperion encourages charitable giving in the form of food, toys, clothing, and money to a variety of worthy organizations.
This year, the Engineering Sunnyvale Core Team and Robert Gersten are encouraging you to give to a very special cause in the name of Samantha Everett, the wife of Tim Everett, who passed away in August of this year. Tim is QA Director of Corporate Quality and has been with the company for almost 11 years.
The "Samantha Everett -- For Today" Endowment was established to honor Samantha's cherished values of helping children and their mothers overcome obstacles in order to improve their lives. The Endowment funds a special program at InnVision - The Way Home in the South Bay.
Below is a description of the program and Tim's personal comments about how important it is to him and to Sam's memory. Donation information is below as well.
Information describing InnVision and their services:
InnVision, celebrating its 30th anniversary, is the South Bay's largest provider of services and housing to at-risk and homeless families and individuals. More than 15,000 people have passed through the InnVision doors this year, 2000 more than the previous year.
We offer comprehensive supportive services, case management, and access to affordable housing. Each of the InnVision programs and shelters provides an uplifting environment that enables and empowers each client to become self-sufficient and to find the way home.
InnVision provides programs to women and families that give our clients a real chance to develop good life, parenting, and employment skills. Working closely with their case manager, women and families have access to abuse counseling, childcare, job training, education, and other services required to ensure they do not repeat the cycles of homelessness.
Why InnVision?
Sam had a very special place in her heart for children. We struggled in our 9 years together to start a family. Sam always seemed her happiest when she was around kids.
I am working with InnVision in a couple of ways:
To create an endowment in her name that will be used to help the moms and children. The endowment will be provided to InnVision under the name "Samantha Everett - For Today". The endowment will go towards helping to cover the expense involved in running programs and shelters for the kids and their mothers.
Sam and her Mom (Jan) lived in very challenging circumstances when Sam was little. The beauty and greatness of Sam was amazing as an adult even with her difficult childhood. Essentially, I hope to be able to help a "little Sam"... to help a child as much as possible, coming from such tough circumstances, to be able to shine even brighter as an adult. At times, Samantha seemed to just glow with brilliance. Maybe with my help in her name, she and I can help a child shine as bright every single day.
More importantly, I plan to donate my time personally with the organization. Providing money is great, but even better for me will be actively working. I have been spending at least two hours a week, visiting with the kids, hanging out with them, and simply enjoying myself. I had a great time on a recent field trip to the San Jose Art Museum with the kids. Hopefully they will remember the visit as fondly as I do.
Donations to the "Samantha Everett - For Today" will be accepted on Tim's behalf by Nora Minassian. You can write a check to InnVision or provide cash. InnVision is a charitable organization, so you can also request matching funds by Hyperion. Forms for this will be available with Nora as well. Nora sits in a window office on the 2nd floor near the top of the side stairs.
The Core Team encourages donations to any and all charities that are near and dear to your hearts. The Second Harvest Food Bank is a wonderful cause, and we encourage you to give to whatever organization you are most comfortable with. This year is a great opportunity, however, to support something very special in honor of Tim and Samantha.
You can request a matching gift from Hyperion of up to $250/year. If you would like to take advantage of this, you should donate to InnVision by Check only, and make a photocopy of your check before giving it to Nora. If you have already donated to InnVision and you have a receipt, you can also request matching funds. Go to the following link to fill out the form on Globalsource requesting the match. Nora will give you the 501c3 form necessary to show that InnVision is a charitable organization.
Lastly, Tim is more than willing to answer any questions you have about the organization and the benefits it offers to its clients.
I have been pretty busy over the last few days... going tonight to teach a basic computer skills class at an InnVision Inn (shelter). Work is a bit busy with a couple of big releases happening this week.
This weekend, I will be going on a shopping spree with kids from InnVision. Should be a lot of fun, each kid is giving $100 to spend.
The following weekend, I will be helping with a field trip to the Tech Museum with the InnVision kids.
Hyperion's Charitable Giving Committe is going to be donating money to InnVision in Sam's name.
The Sunnyvale Engineering team raises money every holiday season and this year the money raised will be provided to InnVision in Sam's name as well.
Even though you might hear my complain / whine / bitch about work, I do work with a great group of people.
Here is the email that was sent out:
Greetings everyone,
As some of you are aware, November and December are the months that Hyperion encourages charitable giving in the form of food, toys, clothing, and money to a variety of worthy organizations.
This year, the Engineering Sunnyvale Core Team and Robert Gersten are encouraging you to give to a very special cause in the name of Samantha Everett, the wife of Tim Everett, who passed away in August of this year. Tim is QA Director of Corporate Quality and has been with the company for almost 11 years.
The "Samantha Everett -- For Today" Endowment was established to honor Samantha's cherished values of helping children and their mothers overcome obstacles in order to improve their lives. The Endowment funds a special program at InnVision - The Way Home in the South Bay.
Below is a description of the program and Tim's personal comments about how important it is to him and to Sam's memory. Donation information is below as well.
Information describing InnVision and their services:
InnVision, celebrating its 30th anniversary, is the South Bay's largest provider of services and housing to at-risk and homeless families and individuals. More than 15,000 people have passed through the InnVision doors this year, 2000 more than the previous year.
We offer comprehensive supportive services, case management, and access to affordable housing. Each of the InnVision programs and shelters provides an uplifting environment that enables and empowers each client to become self-sufficient and to find the way home.
InnVision provides programs to women and families that give our clients a real chance to develop good life, parenting, and employment skills. Working closely with their case manager, women and families have access to abuse counseling, childcare, job training, education, and other services required to ensure they do not repeat the cycles of homelessness.
Why InnVision?
Sam had a very special place in her heart for children. We struggled in our 9 years together to start a family. Sam always seemed her happiest when she was around kids.
I am working with InnVision in a couple of ways:
To create an endowment in her name that will be used to help the moms and children. The endowment will be provided to InnVision under the name "Samantha Everett - For Today". The endowment will go towards helping to cover the expense involved in running programs and shelters for the kids and their mothers.
Sam and her Mom (Jan) lived in very challenging circumstances when Sam was little. The beauty and greatness of Sam was amazing as an adult even with her difficult childhood. Essentially, I hope to be able to help a "little Sam"... to help a child as much as possible, coming from such tough circumstances, to be able to shine even brighter as an adult. At times, Samantha seemed to just glow with brilliance. Maybe with my help in her name, she and I can help a child shine as bright every single day.
More importantly, I plan to donate my time personally with the organization. Providing money is great, but even better for me will be actively working. I have been spending at least two hours a week, visiting with the kids, hanging out with them, and simply enjoying myself. I had a great time on a recent field trip to the San Jose Art Museum with the kids. Hopefully they will remember the visit as fondly as I do.
Donations to the "Samantha Everett - For Today" will be accepted on Tim's behalf by Nora Minassian. You can write a check to InnVision or provide cash. InnVision is a charitable organization, so you can also request matching funds by Hyperion. Forms for this will be available with Nora as well. Nora sits in a window office on the 2nd floor near the top of the side stairs.
The Core Team encourages donations to any and all charities that are near and dear to your hearts. The Second Harvest Food Bank is a wonderful cause, and we encourage you to give to whatever organization you are most comfortable with. This year is a great opportunity, however, to support something very special in honor of Tim and Samantha.
You can request a matching gift from Hyperion of up to $250/year. If you would like to take advantage of this, you should donate to InnVision by Check only, and make a photocopy of your check before giving it to Nora. If you have already donated to InnVision and you have a receipt, you can also request matching funds. Go to the following link to fill out the form on Globalsource requesting the match. Nora will give you the 501c3 form necessary to show that InnVision is a charitable organization.
Lastly, Tim is more than willing to answer any questions you have about the organization and the benefits it offers to its clients.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Happy Birthday Julie!!
Julie Ann Everett was born today, November 25th, 36 years ago.
Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you have a great day
(no pictures or clipart... adding entry at work... will modify later tonight, make it a little more festive)
Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you have a great day
(no pictures or clipart... adding entry at work... will modify later tonight, make it a little more festive)
Joke Contribution via Sandy E.
The United States Treasury has announced they are recalling the new Michigan quarters.
"We are recalling all of the new Michigan quarters that were recently issued", Treasury Undersecretary Russell Shackelford said in a press conference Monday. "This comes in the wake of numerous reports to this agency that the quarters will not work in parking meters, toll booths, vending machines, pay phones, or other coin-operated devices. We believe the problem lies in a
design flaw," said Shackelford.
The winning design for the Michigan quarter was submitted by a Yooper named William Doutrieux, a student attending Northern Michigan University.
"Apparently, the duct tape holding the two dimes and nickel together keeps jamming the coin-operated devices."
Gotta love those UP'ers
More links to the magical world of the Yoopers:
"We are recalling all of the new Michigan quarters that were recently issued", Treasury Undersecretary Russell Shackelford said in a press conference Monday. "This comes in the wake of numerous reports to this agency that the quarters will not work in parking meters, toll booths, vending machines, pay phones, or other coin-operated devices. We believe the problem lies in a
design flaw," said Shackelford.
The winning design for the Michigan quarter was submitted by a Yooper named William Doutrieux, a student attending Northern Michigan University.
"Apparently, the duct tape holding the two dimes and nickel together keeps jamming the coin-operated devices."
Gotta love those UP'ers
More links to the magical world of the Yoopers:
- Jokes about Yoopers and other Michiganders!
- Yooper Humor
- Mark Byron: A Bit of Yooper Humor - I like this one because it is also a Detroit Lions joke :)
- Michi-Fun: Michigan Humor.
Monday, November 24, 2003
Weekly Update on Sharks In the Pool
Here is the weekly update on the battle for Hockey bragging rights. With the Sharks beating the Phoenix Coyotes with a final score of 5-0, there was a chance for a big swing to take place. I was worried since I got 0 (zip, nada) points from that game that I might not be in the lead of the Friends/Family competion.
Overall Leader:
FriesenFan (MS) 22 (once again, don't know this person, but they are in the lead overall)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 12 (Tim E., still holding on to the lead with Sheryl)
finfanatic (SA) 12 (Sheryl, making a small move into 1st)
sharkfanatic (SH) 7 (Stacy, no comment)
puckinnet (SE) 5 (Steve E., still struggling)
Seems like Sheryl and I are pulling away from the rest of the gang...
Overall Leader:
FriesenFan (MS) 22 (once again, don't know this person, but they are in the lead overall)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 12 (Tim E., still holding on to the lead with Sheryl)
finfanatic (SA) 12 (Sheryl, making a small move into 1st)
sharkfanatic (SH) 7 (Stacy, no comment)
puckinnet (SE) 5 (Steve E., still struggling)
Seems like Sheryl and I are pulling away from the rest of the gang...
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Interesting Site / Itunes Related
Interesting site that uses a file that is generated by Itunes that allows me to find possibly other music that I might enjoy.
Music Mobs - Musicmobs is a community for iTunes users that allows you to share your listening habits and discover new music.
My collection is located at
I like the site because it will give you the total number of times I have played a particular artist. Gives a better perspective of my music taste.
Based on the total number of songs played by a particular artist, here is my top 5 artists:
1. Smashing Pumpkins - 51 songs played
2. Joe Jackson - 46 songs played
3. The Rolling Stones - 45 songs played
4. Talking Heads - 43 songs played
5. Eminem - 32 songs played
Music Mobs - Musicmobs is a community for iTunes users that allows you to share your listening habits and discover new music.
My collection is located at
I like the site because it will give you the total number of times I have played a particular artist. Gives a better perspective of my music taste.
Based on the total number of songs played by a particular artist, here is my top 5 artists:
1. Smashing Pumpkins - 51 songs played
2. Joe Jackson - 46 songs played
3. The Rolling Stones - 45 songs played
4. Talking Heads - 43 songs played
5. Eminem - 32 songs played
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Headache Maker
Not sure what this has to do exactly with math... but I found this on the site MathWorld.
Description from the site:
In the above illustration, black dots appear to form and vanish at the intersections of the gray horizontal and vertical lines. When focusing attention on a single white dot, some gray dots nearby and some black dots a little further away also seem to appear. More black dots seem to appear as the eye is scanned across the image (as opposed to focusing on a single point). Strangely, the effect seems to be reduced, but not eliminated, when the head is cocked at a 45' angle. The effect seems to exist only at intermediate distances; if the eye is moved very close to or very far away from the figure, the phantom black dots do not appear.
The illusion is known as the scintillating grid, and was discovered by E. Lingelbach in 1994.

Link to the Grid on MathWorld.
Description from the site:
In the above illustration, black dots appear to form and vanish at the intersections of the gray horizontal and vertical lines. When focusing attention on a single white dot, some gray dots nearby and some black dots a little further away also seem to appear. More black dots seem to appear as the eye is scanned across the image (as opposed to focusing on a single point). Strangely, the effect seems to be reduced, but not eliminated, when the head is cocked at a 45' angle. The effect seems to exist only at intermediate distances; if the eye is moved very close to or very far away from the figure, the phantom black dots do not appear.
The illusion is known as the scintillating grid, and was discovered by E. Lingelbach in 1994.

Link to the Grid on MathWorld.
Friday, November 21, 2003
Web Fishing for a High School Friend
Jeff Miller's website
The above is a site from a high school buddy. Last time I saw him was probably close to 12 years ago. It will be interesting if he notices my site from his web server logs.
I suppose I could have just emailed him... but then I couldn't go "fishing"
The above is a site from a high school buddy. Last time I saw him was probably close to 12 years ago. It will be interesting if he notices my site from his web server logs.
I suppose I could have just emailed him... but then I couldn't go "fishing"
Weekly Lyrics
A possible new feature on Everettblog, lyrics on a weekly basis of a song that I find interesting (enjoyable). We could make it a contest to see if anybody can recognize them...
Whenever I run
Whenever I run to you lost one
It's never done
Just hanging on
Just past has let me be
Returning as if dream
Shattered as belief
If you have to go don't say goodbye
If you have to go don't you cry
If you have to go I will get by
Someday I'll follow you and see you on the other side
But for the grace of love
I'd will the meaning of
Heaven from above
Your picture out of time
Left aching in my mind
Shadows kept alive
If you have to go don't say goodbye
If you have to go don't you cry
If you have to go I will get by
I will follow you and see you on the other side
But for the grace of love
I'd will the meaning of
Heaven from above
Long horses we are born
Creatures more than torn
Mourning our way home
Whenever I run
Whenever I run to you lost one
It's never done
Just hanging on
Just past has let me be
Returning as if dream
Shattered as belief
If you have to go don't say goodbye
If you have to go don't you cry
If you have to go I will get by
Someday I'll follow you and see you on the other side
But for the grace of love
I'd will the meaning of
Heaven from above
Your picture out of time
Left aching in my mind
Shadows kept alive
If you have to go don't say goodbye
If you have to go don't you cry
If you have to go I will get by
I will follow you and see you on the other side
But for the grace of love
I'd will the meaning of
Heaven from above
Long horses we are born
Creatures more than torn
Mourning our way home
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Current Top 25 Songs Played
Here is the current Top 25 songs played on my Ipod. Not completely an indication of my musical tastes, since I do tend to play music via the random shuffle mode.
A good example is that N'Sync song (not a big fan of the boy band, sorry Sheryl...) I am a big fan though of Beer for my Horses...
A good example is that N'Sync song (not a big fan of the boy band, sorry Sheryl...) I am a big fan though of Beer for my Horses...
Name | Artist | Album | Genre | Play Count |
Nick of Time | Bonnie Raitt | Nick of Time | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Business | Eminem | The Eminem Show | Rap/R&B | 3 |
Cleanin Out My Closet | Eminem | The Eminem Show | Rap/R&B | 3 |
Soldier | Eminem | The Eminem Show | Rap/R&B | 3 |
Darkness | The Police | Message In A Box- The Complete Recordings (Disc 3) | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Everyday Is a Winding Road | Sheryl Crow | Sheryl Crow | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Try, Try, Try | The Smashing Pumpkins | MACHINA/The Machines of God | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Tonight, Tonight | The Smashing Pumpkins | Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Beer for My Horses | Toby Keith | Unleashed | Country | 3 |
Vocal Interlude | World Party | Egyptology | Rock/Pop | 3 |
Digital Get Down | *NSYNC | No Strings Attached | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Candy Everybody Wants | 10,000 Maniacs | MTV Unplugged | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Hey Jack Kerouac | 10,000 Maniacs | MTV Unplugged | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Gold Rush Brides | 10,000 Maniacs | MTV Unplugged | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Amazing | Aerosmith | The Ultimate Hits (2 of 2) | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Deuces Are Wild | Aerosmith | The Ultimate Hits (2 of 2) | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da | The Beatles | The Beatles [White Album] (Disc 1) | Pop | 2 |
Why Don't We Do It In The Road? | The Beatles | The Beatles [White Album] (Disc 1) | Pop | 2 |
I Will | The Beatles | The Beatles [White Album] (Disc 1) | Pop | 2 |
Hotwax | Beck | Odelay | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Number Three | Ben Harper | The Will to Live [US] | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Rapture | Blondie | The Best Of Blondie | Rock/Pop | 2 |
One Way Or Another | Blondie | The Best Of Blondie | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Mulling It Over | Blues Traveler | Blues Traveler | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Gotta Get Mean | Blues Traveler | Blues Traveler | Rock/Pop | 2 |
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Sharon says...
For the benefit of this blog's readers, I recently asked Sharon her views on the following subjects:
Michael Jackson's impending arrest: GUILTY
Arnold (our new governor) borrowing money through a bond issue to pay off California's debt: ACTION, ACTION, ACTION
Michael Jackson's impending arrest: GUILTY
Arnold (our new governor) borrowing money through a bond issue to pay off California's debt: ACTION, ACTION, ACTION
If Windows was a car
Below is a humorous (at times) comparision of Microsoft Windows to a car. It is a parody piece that made its way around the computer world at least a year ago. Some of the comparisions are a little outdated, but still pretty close on to the mark.
I have been having many "ranting" type conversations about computers and the various things that go with them on how unfriendly they can be to people. Fortunately, I am paid too much money to sit in front of one every day, therefore I get lots of practice on dealing with them.
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates
reportedly compared the computer industry with the
auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the
technology like the computer industry has, we would
all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the
In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued
a press release stating, "If GM had developed
technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving
cars with the following characteristics:
1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash
twice a day.
2. Every time they painted new lines on the road, you
would have to buy a new car.
3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for
no reason. You would have to pull over to the side of
the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car,
restart it, and reopen the windows before you could
continue. For some reason you would simply accept
4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left
turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to
restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the
5. Only one person at a time could use the car unless
you bought "CarNT," but then you would have to buy
more seats.
6. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the
sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as
easy to drive -- but it would only run on five percent
of the roads.
7. The oil, water temperature and alternator warning
lights would all be replaced by a single "general
protect ion fault" warning light.
8. The airbag system would ask, "Are you sure?" before
9. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car
would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you
simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key
and grabbed hold of the antenna.
10. GM would require all car buyers to also purchase a
deluxe set of Rand McNally Road maps (now a GM
subsidiary), even though they neither need nor want
them. Attempting to delete this option would
immediately cause the car's performance to diminish by
50 percent or more. Moreover, GM would become a target
for investigation by the Justice Department.
11. Every time GM introduced a new car, car buyers
would have to learn to drive all over again because
none of the controls would operate in the same manner
as the old car.
12. You'd have to press the "start" button to turn the
engine off.
I have been having many "ranting" type conversations about computers and the various things that go with them on how unfriendly they can be to people. Fortunately, I am paid too much money to sit in front of one every day, therefore I get lots of practice on dealing with them.
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates
reportedly compared the computer industry with the
auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the
technology like the computer industry has, we would
all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the
In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued
a press release stating, "If GM had developed
technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving
cars with the following characteristics:
1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash
twice a day.
2. Every time they painted new lines on the road, you
would have to buy a new car.
3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for
no reason. You would have to pull over to the side of
the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car,
restart it, and reopen the windows before you could
continue. For some reason you would simply accept
4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left
turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to
restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the
5. Only one person at a time could use the car unless
you bought "CarNT," but then you would have to buy
more seats.
6. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the
sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as
easy to drive -- but it would only run on five percent
of the roads.
7. The oil, water temperature and alternator warning
lights would all be replaced by a single "general
protect ion fault" warning light.
8. The airbag system would ask, "Are you sure?" before
9. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car
would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you
simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key
and grabbed hold of the antenna.
10. GM would require all car buyers to also purchase a
deluxe set of Rand McNally Road maps (now a GM
subsidiary), even though they neither need nor want
them. Attempting to delete this option would
immediately cause the car's performance to diminish by
50 percent or more. Moreover, GM would become a target
for investigation by the Justice Department.
11. Every time GM introduced a new car, car buyers
would have to learn to drive all over again because
none of the controls would operate in the same manner
as the old car.
12. You'd have to press the "start" button to turn the
engine off.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Tim E. Christmas plans
I have (I hope) made my travel arrangements for heading back to MI for Christmas. The reason I say "hope" is that the American Airlines dude seemed to be not quite sure what he was doing.
I think he got confused for a couple of reasons.
The first is that I was flying in South Bend (which American Airlines doesn't fly into any more), but I knew he would be able to book the United flight for me.
The second is that I am using a voucher that I picked up last year during another flight.
If it wasn't for the voucher, I would have just booked the flight via American Airlines website, but they don't support vouchers via online booking.
I don't have an offical itinerary but here is the approximate info:
SJC to SBN: Dec 19th, leave 8:38 am arrive 6:00 pm
SBN to SJC: Dec 29th, leave 12:55 pm arrive some time later
Flight numbers and exact times will be forthcoming.
I think he got confused for a couple of reasons.
The first is that I was flying in South Bend (which American Airlines doesn't fly into any more), but I knew he would be able to book the United flight for me.
The second is that I am using a voucher that I picked up last year during another flight.
If it wasn't for the voucher, I would have just booked the flight via American Airlines website, but they don't support vouchers via online booking.
I don't have an offical itinerary but here is the approximate info:
SJC to SBN: Dec 19th, leave 8:38 am arrive 6:00 pm
SBN to SJC: Dec 29th, leave 12:55 pm arrive some time later
Flight numbers and exact times will be forthcoming.
Monday, November 17, 2003
In the Pool Update
Quick update on the San Jose Sharks In the Pool contest.
Overall leader:
NomadX (DD) 19 (Not somebody I know, just the leader of the entire contest)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 9 (YEAH!!! I am in the lead)
finfanatic (SA) 8 (Sheryl is hot on my tail)
sharkfanatic (SH) 6 (I believe this is Stacey (or Stacy))
puckinnet (SE) 4 (Steve seems to be struggling, for a while I though he had quit playing since his score wasn't moving off of 3)
Overall leader:
NomadX (DD) 19 (Not somebody I know, just the leader of the entire contest)
Friends/Family leaderboard:
teverett96 (TE) 9 (YEAH!!! I am in the lead)
finfanatic (SA) 8 (Sheryl is hot on my tail)
sharkfanatic (SH) 6 (I believe this is Stacey (or Stacy))
puckinnet (SE) 4 (Steve seems to be struggling, for a while I though he had quit playing since his score wasn't moving off of 3)
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Toot Toot
I find this video very funny. Call me immature, but I expect to always find such things funny... It is from a commercial (not sure what they were selling).
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Thanksgiving Recipe??
I was checking out my college website and I have been tempted to attempt the below recipe though I am not sure anybody will eat them with me. Thankfully I tend to have an iron stomache because I sure do enjoy spicy food.
B&B's Pickled Egg Recipe
2 dozen hard boiled eggs (peeled)
4 cups vinegar
1 jar or can jalapenos
1 onion
1 cup water
1 tablespoon tabasco
1 tablespoon salt
Bring ingredients to a boil. In sealable jar pour over peeled eggs. Let sit for 3 days to 3 months. Shake once a day while chanting "Yah--eggs are great, eh?". Serve with salt, pepper, Tabasco, and a beer...(doesn't have to be a Gilt Edge)
B&B is a local Houghton bar that my friends and I would occasionally visit. It tended to be not crowded (meaning no wait for the pool table). Spent many of nights, drinking Bud light (my beer of choice in my early drinking days), having a couple of pickled eggs, and shooting a few games with the gang.
Though since it was usually empty, I had to listen to my friend's musical taste (Tracy Murchison). Not that his musical taste were bad, just very repetitive. If I remember right his song of choice one year was Willie Nelson's City of New Orleans. He would play that song at least once every visit if not multiple times in a single night.
Reminds me of a bar that Paul Greenway and I used to hang out in Lafayette CA, called the Round Up. Essentially we didn't leave until we heard Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard. That song must have been the unoffical theme for the bar. Though we usually left because the bar would be closing, so there tended to be a few hours of opportunity for the song to be played.
Many many humorous stories that start with visiting the Round Up...
B&B's Pickled Egg Recipe
2 dozen hard boiled eggs (peeled)
4 cups vinegar
1 jar or can jalapenos
1 onion
1 cup water
1 tablespoon tabasco
1 tablespoon salt
Bring ingredients to a boil. In sealable jar pour over peeled eggs. Let sit for 3 days to 3 months. Shake once a day while chanting "Yah--eggs are great, eh?". Serve with salt, pepper, Tabasco, and a beer...(doesn't have to be a Gilt Edge)
B&B is a local Houghton bar that my friends and I would occasionally visit. It tended to be not crowded (meaning no wait for the pool table). Spent many of nights, drinking Bud light (my beer of choice in my early drinking days), having a couple of pickled eggs, and shooting a few games with the gang.
Though since it was usually empty, I had to listen to my friend's musical taste (Tracy Murchison). Not that his musical taste were bad, just very repetitive. If I remember right his song of choice one year was Willie Nelson's City of New Orleans. He would play that song at least once every visit if not multiple times in a single night.
Reminds me of a bar that Paul Greenway and I used to hang out in Lafayette CA, called the Round Up. Essentially we didn't leave until we heard Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard. That song must have been the unoffical theme for the bar. Though we usually left because the bar would be closing, so there tended to be a few hours of opportunity for the song to be played.
Many many humorous stories that start with visiting the Round Up...
Friday, November 07, 2003
Student of the Month
We just received the news today that Dale was selected Student of the Month for October at Redwood Middle School. He's one of about 15 students who were selected from the whole school of almost 1000 students. We are very proud of him!

Here's his latest soccer picture

Here's the letter we received from the school:
To the Parents of Dale Everett,
We, the staff at Redwood Middle School, are happy to recognize students who demonstrate qualities that bring credit to themselves, their families, and their school. We have designated these individuals as Student of the Month. Each staff member may nominate a student who has demonstrated postive qualities in academics, service, citizenship, or special talents. often these students not only do what is required but voluntarily offer more. Their actions contribute to the improvement of our school. Here is what one staff member has written about your child:
If you're ever in a tight squeeze, call on Dale. He is someone you can count on to follow through and get things done even if he takes on all the responsibility himself. he gives that extra ounce when others seem to have given up to make things a success. He is an example of what persistence can accomplish.
We are pleased to share with you our pride in the selection of Dale as Student of the Month. We invite you to visit the school library to view the pictures of this month's honorees, which will be placed in our Student Hall of Fame.
The Redwood Staff

Here's his latest soccer picture

Here's the letter we received from the school:
To the Parents of Dale Everett,
We, the staff at Redwood Middle School, are happy to recognize students who demonstrate qualities that bring credit to themselves, their families, and their school. We have designated these individuals as Student of the Month. Each staff member may nominate a student who has demonstrated postive qualities in academics, service, citizenship, or special talents. often these students not only do what is required but voluntarily offer more. Their actions contribute to the improvement of our school. Here is what one staff member has written about your child:
If you're ever in a tight squeeze, call on Dale. He is someone you can count on to follow through and get things done even if he takes on all the responsibility himself. he gives that extra ounce when others seem to have given up to make things a success. He is an example of what persistence can accomplish.
We are pleased to share with you our pride in the selection of Dale as Student of the Month. We invite you to visit the school library to view the pictures of this month's honorees, which will be placed in our Student Hall of Fame.
The Redwood Staff
Glad to be in CA
Check out the webcam from Michigan Tech... makes me glad to be in CA. Yesterday there was no snow, today they have snow.
BTW: For those that don't know, I am alumni of Michigan Tech (1989 BSEE).
WebCam from MTU
BTW: For those that don't know, I am alumni of Michigan Tech (1989 BSEE).
WebCam from MTU
Monday, November 03, 2003
Last Friday at work, we had a Halloween party where everybody wearing a costume received a raffle ticket for some fabulous prizes. If you must know, I was an Oakland A's player. I wore my A's jersey, A's hat, baseball socks, cleats, cheap flip-up sunglasses and I put that fun, black, sun-reflecting stuff under my eyes. They had some real nice prizes like a digital camera, DVD player, and best of all, an iPod. I mouthed off all morning to people that I was going to win the iPod and here's what they said: "Yeah, yeah, yeah". Fast forward to the raffle. The vampire won the digital camera. The pimp won the DVD player. And, I won the iPod!
You may be asking yourself, what's an iPod? I think Tim may have wrote about it earlier, but an iPod is a portable music player, with a miniature hard-disk which allows the iPod to contain literally thousands of songs. You use a cable to plug the iPod to the computer and then download the songs. I could probably fit my whole CD collection on my iPod, which is smaller than a Sony Walkman.
What's great about it
What I don't like so much
You may be asking yourself, what's an iPod? I think Tim may have wrote about it earlier, but an iPod is a portable music player, with a miniature hard-disk which allows the iPod to contain literally thousands of songs. You use a cable to plug the iPod to the computer and then download the songs. I could probably fit my whole CD collection on my iPod, which is smaller than a Sony Walkman.
What's great about it
- It looks very cool.
- It has a fun user interface, no buttons, all fingertip sensing controls.
- Can hold thousands of songs and has the ability to randomly play one song after another.
- Not only is it portable like a Walkman, but also can be hooked up to computers (I listen to my iPod on my work computer) and using a special FM transmitter, to the car stereo
- Works seamlessly with iTunes. iTunes is a music service from Apple where you can download whole albums or even better, individual songs for $0.99 each. I like some Meat Loaf songs, but not enough to buy the whole album. Last night, I bought "Two out of Three Ain't Bad" for 99 cents. It's fun to just browse through iTunes and remember a lot of songs from my youth (you know, the 70s and 80s!).
What I don't like so much
- It's a bit pricey. The version I won cost $399 at a local electronics shop. I'm sure the price will come down over time.
- It has a rechargable battery but the charge doesn't quite last all day, especially when using the shuffle mode. But still acceptable.
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Update on San Jose Sharks In the Pool
Here is the current standing of friends in the In the Pool contest.
Sheryl (finfanatic): 3
Steve (puckinnet): 2
Tim E. (teverett96): 1
As bad as the San Jose Sharks are playing... it makes it hard to get any points when the team doesn't score any goals.
Look for me to make a move in the next week to the top of the list.
Sheryl (finfanatic): 3
Steve (puckinnet): 2
Tim E. (teverett96): 1
As bad as the San Jose Sharks are playing... it makes it hard to get any points when the team doesn't score any goals.
Look for me to make a move in the next week to the top of the list.
Congrats to Paul and Valerie Greenway
Paul and Valerie have a new little girl in their lives. She was born on Oct 22, weighing in over 8lbs.
I should have written down the entire name... but her first name is Lauren (not sure how they are spelling it).
The entire family, Paul, Valerie, Kevin, and the new one are all doing great.
I should have written down the entire name... but her first name is Lauren (not sure how they are spelling it).
The entire family, Paul, Valerie, Kevin, and the new one are all doing great.
Monday, October 27, 2003
Music from DVD
I have been asked by a couple of people for the list of music that I used on the DVD that I put together to remember the life and beauty of Samantha.
The Rolling Stones - She's a Rainbow
Jerry Garcia - Ripple
Jerry Garica Band - How Sweet It Is
Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground - Perfect Day
Rubyhorse - Sparkle
Grateful Dead - Eyes of the World
The Rolling Stones - She's a Rainbow
Jerry Garcia - Ripple
Jerry Garica Band - How Sweet It Is
Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground - Perfect Day
Rubyhorse - Sparkle
Grateful Dead - Eyes of the World
Monday, October 20, 2003
Samantha was my best friend, my partner, and the love of my life. Even though our life together was short, 9 years, I felt I knew her my entire life.
I will remember the New Year Eve where the words "I love you, Samantha" were spoken for the very first time.
I will remember the Monterey night in October, 7 years ago, where Sam agreed to be my wife while tears of happiness ran down each of our faces.
I will remember the many trips to Disneyland, Great America, Magic Mountain, and Cedar Point riding roller coasters until we both felt that we had concussions and convincing each other to ride "just one more".
I will remember her laughing.
I will remember the night we spent in a parking lot, so that we could buy our dream home together. Never quite believing that it was real.
I will remember going to my first Grateful Dead concert with Sam. Learning to share her love for the music. The pain she felt when she learned of the death of Jerry Garcia.
I will remember having to drag her to her first San Jose Sharks game and being dragged by her to every game afterwards.
I will remember sharing popcorn and a soda with her at movies.
I will remember her smile as she spent time with the kids in her life. As well as the pain she felt with the difficulties we had in having a child.
I will remember her driving and always waiting until she really should be paying attention to her driving to start using her cell phone but I will also remember many long drives, listening to music, and enjoying her singing along with the music.
I will remember the love that she shared with me.
I will remember her.
I love you Sunny
I will remember the New Year Eve where the words "I love you, Samantha" were spoken for the very first time.
I will remember the Monterey night in October, 7 years ago, where Sam agreed to be my wife while tears of happiness ran down each of our faces.
I will remember the many trips to Disneyland, Great America, Magic Mountain, and Cedar Point riding roller coasters until we both felt that we had concussions and convincing each other to ride "just one more".
I will remember her laughing.
I will remember the night we spent in a parking lot, so that we could buy our dream home together. Never quite believing that it was real.
I will remember going to my first Grateful Dead concert with Sam. Learning to share her love for the music. The pain she felt when she learned of the death of Jerry Garcia.
I will remember having to drag her to her first San Jose Sharks game and being dragged by her to every game afterwards.
I will remember sharing popcorn and a soda with her at movies.
I will remember her smile as she spent time with the kids in her life. As well as the pain she felt with the difficulties we had in having a child.
I will remember her driving and always waiting until she really should be paying attention to her driving to start using her cell phone but I will also remember many long drives, listening to music, and enjoying her singing along with the music.
I will remember the love that she shared with me.
I will remember her.
I love you Sunny
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Miniature Earth
Check out Miniature Earth (
It will give you a perspective on the world that you might enjoy.
It will give you a perspective on the world that you might enjoy.
Donation Information Redux
In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Samantha's name to:
Inn Vision
974 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125
The money will be used to help at risk mothers and their young children.
Inn Vision
974 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125
The money will be used to help at risk mothers and their young children.
Monday, October 13, 2003
The Site was crawled by Google
The Everett Family Blog was visited today by the "crawler" from Google.
What does that mean?
Google is one of the most widely used search engine websites on the Internet. To allow people to search for sites, Google needs to effectively visit every website at least once to find out what is on the site. That work is done by a "crawler", as in a webcrawler.
A crawler is a program that simply goes and visits a website, making sure to visit each and every link on the site, recording information about each page.
How do you know a crawler has visited the site?
The crawler on visiting a website will first try to access a file called "robots.txt". If programmers were consistent, I would have expected the crawler to look for a file that was in the motif of spiders (like the world wide web, crawler, etc)... but nope, Instead they went with to a different idea for this particular thing.
robots.txt is a file that tells the crawler what they can and can not crawl on a site. Allows a website to be able to pick and chose what they want searchable vs what they want to keep private. If robots.txt doesn't exists, then the site is telling the crawler to feel free to visit every part of the site. Everett Family Blog does not have a robot.txt file.
OK, I kinda understand that, but how do you know a crawler has visited?
That is simple. A log is kept every time somebody visits the site. I have another piece of software that does log analysis. In the log, information is stored including files that were requested that did not exist. Tonight for the first time, the file "robots.txt" was requested and it was displayed in the log analysis tool.
The last piece of the puzzle is that I can tell what domain each request is from. A domain being for example:,, etc. Today a request was made from the domain
So what did we learn today. Programmers have a strong tendency to mix metaphors... In this case the mixture was between the "spider" metaphor and "robot" metaphor. Makes all of this seem even more difficult than it actually is to people not as initimately familiar with it.
Enough computer crap for today...
What does that mean?
Google is one of the most widely used search engine websites on the Internet. To allow people to search for sites, Google needs to effectively visit every website at least once to find out what is on the site. That work is done by a "crawler", as in a webcrawler.
A crawler is a program that simply goes and visits a website, making sure to visit each and every link on the site, recording information about each page.
How do you know a crawler has visited the site?
The crawler on visiting a website will first try to access a file called "robots.txt". If programmers were consistent, I would have expected the crawler to look for a file that was in the motif of spiders (like the world wide web, crawler, etc)... but nope, Instead they went with to a different idea for this particular thing.
robots.txt is a file that tells the crawler what they can and can not crawl on a site. Allows a website to be able to pick and chose what they want searchable vs what they want to keep private. If robots.txt doesn't exists, then the site is telling the crawler to feel free to visit every part of the site. Everett Family Blog does not have a robot.txt file.
OK, I kinda understand that, but how do you know a crawler has visited?
That is simple. A log is kept every time somebody visits the site. I have another piece of software that does log analysis. In the log, information is stored including files that were requested that did not exist. Tonight for the first time, the file "robots.txt" was requested and it was displayed in the log analysis tool.
The last piece of the puzzle is that I can tell what domain each request is from. A domain being for example:,, etc. Today a request was made from the domain
So what did we learn today. Programmers have a strong tendency to mix metaphors... In this case the mixture was between the "spider" metaphor and "robot" metaphor. Makes all of this seem even more difficult than it actually is to people not as initimately familiar with it.
Enough computer crap for today...
Battle of the Brothers
Check out In The Pool. It is a San Jose Sharks contest.
As the site says: "The objective of the game is to score the most points by selecting players that you think will score during each game or the goaltenders who will earn a victory. First prize is a Compaq Evo laptop computer, that is wireless compatible. Second prize will be a Sharks jersey, signed by the Sharks player of your choice. Third prize is an official polo shirt."
Steve and I are both playing. You can view where we are in the standings by going to Current Standing
The easiest way to find us in the list is to use the Find within the browser. To use find either press ctrl-F or go to the menu item Edit | Find (on this page)...
My id is teverett96 while Steve's id is puckinnet. As of today, we both have 0 (zero) points. Who will get the first point???
Anybody else playing the game? If so, let us know your id.
As the site says: "The objective of the game is to score the most points by selecting players that you think will score during each game or the goaltenders who will earn a victory. First prize is a Compaq Evo laptop computer, that is wireless compatible. Second prize will be a Sharks jersey, signed by the Sharks player of your choice. Third prize is an official polo shirt."
Steve and I are both playing. You can view where we are in the standings by going to Current Standing
The easiest way to find us in the list is to use the Find within the browser. To use find either press ctrl-F or go to the menu item Edit | Find (on this page)...
My id is teverett96 while Steve's id is puckinnet. As of today, we both have 0 (zero) points. Who will get the first point???
Anybody else playing the game? If so, let us know your id.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Donation Information
In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Samantha's name to:
Inn Vision - The Way Home
974 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125
The money will be used to help at risk mothers and their young children.
Inn Vision - The Way Home
974 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125
The money will be used to help at risk mothers and their young children.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Life of Tim Update
I have been pretty busy over the last few days working on putting together a DVD of pictures of Samantha for the Memorial. I find myself just emotionally drained at the end of the day.
I do have a lot of great friends helping me. The memorial is going to be on Oct 18th, from 1 pm to 4pm. Either myself or a friend will be contacting people this week to provide even more details. Please email me at if we happen to not get a hold of you.
Also for anybody that might be reading this that I haven't talked to in person, please let me know via my email, your contact information. I don't want to accidently excluded anybody just because I didn't know how to get a hold of you.
I do have a lot of great friends helping me. The memorial is going to be on Oct 18th, from 1 pm to 4pm. Either myself or a friend will be contacting people this week to provide even more details. Please email me at if we happen to not get a hold of you.
Also for anybody that might be reading this that I haven't talked to in person, please let me know via my email, your contact information. I don't want to accidently excluded anybody just because I didn't know how to get a hold of you.
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Early Picture of Sam
I have no idea when or where this picture was taken, or who the dog is... Does anybody know?
Sam's personality just shines on some of the early pictures that I have of her. Her sense of mischievous and fun is very clear. It always strikes me that the photographer was lucky if she slowed down just enough for a picture to be taken.
Sam's personality just shines on some of the early pictures that I have of her. Her sense of mischievous and fun is very clear. It always strikes me that the photographer was lucky if she slowed down just enough for a picture to be taken.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003
New Year's Eve '94
Samantha and I shared a very special night together on New Year's Eve 1994. We had meet in October, so this was our first special date, our first New Year's Eve together.
I borrowed a "funky" suit from my brother. She and I went to a beautiful dinner in Capitola at Shadowbrook. Followed by a short drive into Santa Cruz for a round of indoor minature golf.
Samantha always seemed to make it a point to hit the golf ball as hard she could at some point... She rarely finished a round of minature golf with her ball.
After golf, we went to see a local band called Pele Juju.
It was a great night, great music, dancing, and most of all, a night spent with a beautiful woman.
The drive home was exciting for a couple of reasons... the first because she and I witnessed a car accident on Highway 17, a very curvy and windy road. All we saw was sparks flying as a car in front of us scraped against a barrier.
The big reason that night was special roughly 9 years ago was that I had planned along to tell Samantha that I loved her for the very first time. My heart was racing...
Once we got back to my little apartment in Mountain View, I said the words "I love you, Samantha" for the very first, the first time of many...
I borrowed a "funky" suit from my brother. She and I went to a beautiful dinner in Capitola at Shadowbrook. Followed by a short drive into Santa Cruz for a round of indoor minature golf.
Samantha always seemed to make it a point to hit the golf ball as hard she could at some point... She rarely finished a round of minature golf with her ball.
After golf, we went to see a local band called Pele Juju.
It was a great night, great music, dancing, and most of all, a night spent with a beautiful woman.
The drive home was exciting for a couple of reasons... the first because she and I witnessed a car accident on Highway 17, a very curvy and windy road. All we saw was sparks flying as a car in front of us scraped against a barrier.
The big reason that night was special roughly 9 years ago was that I had planned along to tell Samantha that I loved her for the very first time. My heart was racing...
Once we got back to my little apartment in Mountain View, I said the words "I love you, Samantha" for the very first, the first time of many...

Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Softball Fanatic
Samantha didn't play softball much. She and I did play on my company's coed softball team one year. She was an ok second baseman, but loved to hit.
Many years ago we took a small weekend trip north of San Francisco. The hotel we stopped at was across a street from batting cages. Sam must have hit over 200 softballs that night. I was surprised she was able to left her arms the next day.
When she enjoyed something... she enjoyed it too the max. One of many things, I will miss.
Many years ago we took a small weekend trip north of San Francisco. The hotel we stopped at was across a street from batting cages. Sam must have hit over 200 softballs that night. I was surprised she was able to left her arms the next day.
When she enjoyed something... she enjoyed it too the max. One of many things, I will miss.

Sunday, September 28, 2003
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
The Song
You can either click on the link and play the song immediately or you can right click on the link and select "Save Target As" to save the song file to your machine.
If you do the "Save Target As" make sure to remember where you saved the file, afterwards you should be able to simply double click on the file to have it play.
Eyes of the World
If you do the "Save Target As" make sure to remember where you saved the file, afterwards you should be able to simply double click on the file to have it play.
Eyes of the World
Grateful Dead Lyrics
Below are the lyrics to the Grateful Dead song "Eyes of the World". I know it holds a special place in a few people's heart including my own.
The song always reminded about how magical Sam was in the world. Her ability to drink in the sights and sounds around her and the love that she spread without even knowing it or recognizing it.
I am very happy that I was able to share the above thoughts about the song to her many times in the last few years.
Eyes of the World
Right outside this lazy summer home,
you ain't got time to call your soul a critic, no . . .
Right outside the lazy gate of winter's summer home,
wonderin' where the nut-thatch winters,
wings a mile long just carried the bird away.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
There comes a redeemer, and he slowly too fades away,
there follows his wagon behind him that's loaded with clay.
The seeds that were silent all burst into bloom, and decay,
and night comes so quiet, it's close on the heels of the day.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own,
sometimes we visit your country and live in your homes,
sometimes we ride on your horses,
sometimes we walk alone,
sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
I will later (either tonight or tomorrow) put up a link to a version of the song that you can download.
The song always reminded about how magical Sam was in the world. Her ability to drink in the sights and sounds around her and the love that she spread without even knowing it or recognizing it.
I am very happy that I was able to share the above thoughts about the song to her many times in the last few years.
Eyes of the World
Right outside this lazy summer home,
you ain't got time to call your soul a critic, no . . .
Right outside the lazy gate of winter's summer home,
wonderin' where the nut-thatch winters,
wings a mile long just carried the bird away.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
There comes a redeemer, and he slowly too fades away,
there follows his wagon behind him that's loaded with clay.
The seeds that were silent all burst into bloom, and decay,
and night comes so quiet, it's close on the heels of the day.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own,
sometimes we visit your country and live in your homes,
sometimes we ride on your horses,
sometimes we walk alone,
sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own.
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own.
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings,
the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.
I will later (either tonight or tomorrow) put up a link to a version of the song that you can download.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Sam on the front page
Sam and her friend, Sheryl, made it to the front page of the San Jose Mercury News. I have the actual paper so I will get a better scan of the picture and story soon. But in the meantime, they are the ones in the teal hair (if you couldn't tell or guess).
Once my wife, Samantha, made up her mind to do something, she did it with every ounce of her being. Truly that mythical 110% effort.
Once my wife, Samantha, made up her mind to do something, she did it with every ounce of her being. Truly that mythical 110% effort.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Quick Update
I am actively working on making sure Samantha's name, personality, and dreams live.
I am meeting with the CEO of a local Bay Area charity on Monday. The charity name is InnVision - The Way Home.
Sam had a very special place in her heart for children. We struggled in our 9 years together to start a family. Sam always seemed her happiest when she was around kids.
I hope to work with InnVision in a couple of ways. I have a name for the charity work that I plan to use. The name: Samantha Everett - For Today
First, to create a pool of money in her name that will be used to help the moms and children that are under the age of 5. Sam and her Mom (Jan) lived in very challenging circumstances when Sam was little. The beauty and greatness of Sam was amazing as an adult. I hope to be able to help effectively a "little Sam", to help a child as much as possible when in such circumstances to be able to shine even brighter as an adult. At times, Samantha seemed to just glow with brilliance. Maybe with my help in her name, we can help a child shine as bright every single day.
Second, I plan to donate my time personally with an organization. Providing only money is good, but even better for me will be actively working.
The other projet that I am currently undertaking is getting our collection of family photographs scanned into a digital format. I will be putting together a slideshow on DVD for the Memorial that is planned for October 18th.
My initial focus is on pictures that include Sam in them. I have over 600 negatives alone from our wedding photographers. I think the initial batch of photos that will be getting scanned is around 700 - 800 pictures.
Since I host this web site on my home computer, it will be very easy for me to provide access to the pictures once they are available.
I hope everybody is doing good,
I am meeting with the CEO of a local Bay Area charity on Monday. The charity name is InnVision - The Way Home.
Sam had a very special place in her heart for children. We struggled in our 9 years together to start a family. Sam always seemed her happiest when she was around kids.
I hope to work with InnVision in a couple of ways. I have a name for the charity work that I plan to use. The name: Samantha Everett - For Today
First, to create a pool of money in her name that will be used to help the moms and children that are under the age of 5. Sam and her Mom (Jan) lived in very challenging circumstances when Sam was little. The beauty and greatness of Sam was amazing as an adult. I hope to be able to help effectively a "little Sam", to help a child as much as possible when in such circumstances to be able to shine even brighter as an adult. At times, Samantha seemed to just glow with brilliance. Maybe with my help in her name, we can help a child shine as bright every single day.
Second, I plan to donate my time personally with an organization. Providing only money is good, but even better for me will be actively working.
The other projet that I am currently undertaking is getting our collection of family photographs scanned into a digital format. I will be putting together a slideshow on DVD for the Memorial that is planned for October 18th.
My initial focus is on pictures that include Sam in them. I have over 600 negatives alone from our wedding photographers. I think the initial batch of photos that will be getting scanned is around 700 - 800 pictures.
Since I host this web site on my home computer, it will be very easy for me to provide access to the pictures once they are available.
I hope everybody is doing good,
Monday, September 15, 2003
Back to Work This Week
I am back to work this week.
I can't say it enough and never will be... Thank you very much for all of the love, help, and support that everybody has provided to me in the last two weeks.
I have picked a date for celebrating the life and the beauty of Samantha. More details will become available within the next week. The date will be October 18th.
I can't say it enough and never will be... Thank you very much for all of the love, help, and support that everybody has provided to me in the last two weeks.
I have picked a date for celebrating the life and the beauty of Samantha. More details will become available within the next week. The date will be October 18th.
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Memories (6/6/99)
Samantha and I made many trips down to Monterey, CA. Monterey is a place that we would visit for a peaceful quiet weekend. Driving down the beautiful 17 mile drive. Walking along the beach.
Monterey will always be a special place for me. It was in Monterey that I asked Sam to marry me.
Monterey will always be a special place for me. It was in Monterey that I asked Sam to marry me.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Memories (11/26/98)
Sam's favorite place on Earth, Disneyland. It makes me happy that she spent her last birthday at Disneyland.
Monday, September 08, 2003
Headed to AZ
I am leaving tomorrow morning (Sept 9th) to Arizona. Samantha was cremated on Thursday.
Nicki and I are making the trip to pick up Samantha's car and more importantly bringing Sam's ashes home.
Thank you to everybody that has helped me in the last week. Thank you for the phone calls, visits, and cards. It gives me great comfort in knowing that I have such loving friends and family around me, even though I lost my best friend and wife.
Nicki and I are making the trip to pick up Samantha's car and more importantly bringing Sam's ashes home.
Thank you to everybody that has helped me in the last week. Thank you for the phone calls, visits, and cards. It gives me great comfort in knowing that I have such loving friends and family around me, even though I lost my best friend and wife.
A Quote
Sam exposed me to many wonderful things in our short 9 years together.
Babatunde Olatunji is one of them.
I first heard this quote from him at a small gym in Palo Alto where he was playing (sometime in 1998, I believe).
It made an impact on myself and Samantha and is a quote that says simply something that I deeply believe in.
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today? Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present".
---Babatunde Olatunji
Babatunde Olatunji is one of them.
I first heard this quote from him at a small gym in Palo Alto where he was playing (sometime in 1998, I believe).
It made an impact on myself and Samantha and is a quote that says simply something that I deeply believe in.
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today? Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present".
---Babatunde Olatunji
Memories of Samantha (12/23/99)
Sam was her happiness and her most beautiful when she was around the San Jose Sharks. The joy seems to just explode out of her eyes.

Samantha with Gary Suter, defenseman with the San Jose Sharks.
Samantha with Gary Suter, defenseman with the San Jose Sharks.
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Saturday, September 06, 2003
Memories of Samantha (10/16/98)
During my 5 year sabbatical from Hyperion, Sam and I visited her Mom and sister (Mandi) in CO. It was an amazing trip. I was fortunate and was able to take this great picture of Sam, Mandi, and Jan.
Friday, September 05, 2003
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Memories of Samantha (4/23/2000)
Sam with her friend Sheryl during the San Jose Sharks playoff game. A picture, very similiar to this one, of my her was on the front page of the San Jose Mercury News.
Sam loved to show her excitement and just how much she enjoyed the Sharks.
I love you Sunny very very much
Sam loved to show her excitement and just how much she enjoyed the Sharks.
I love you Sunny very very much
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Memories of Samantha
Picture of my great wife from Sept 9, 1999. When she and I visited Hearst Castle and the surrounding area for a weekend.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Friday, August 29, 2003
Here is a World Wide Web original - a very early use of the Internet. Still brings a small smile to my face.
Hamster Dance
Hamster Dance
Monday, August 18, 2003
Ever wanted to take a MIT course?
I was reading the new issue of Wired magazine this weekend that had an article about MIT putting its courseware online.
MIT OpenCourseWare
I haven't spent much time looking at the courseware so far, but what I have seen does remind me of a belief I have...
"Teaching is all about the Teacher"
The courseware material I went thru didn't seem to be much different from what I have seen in my past. I believe almost by default, courseware material is boring... it is the person that is presenting the material that brings it to life.
MIT OpenCourseWare
I haven't spent much time looking at the courseware so far, but what I have seen does remind me of a belief I have...
"Teaching is all about the Teacher"
The courseware material I went thru didn't seem to be much different from what I have seen in my past. I believe almost by default, courseware material is boring... it is the person that is presenting the material that brings it to life.
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Computer Safety
With all of the news about the mblaster worm, I though I would mention the two to three important things to do that will help keep such things as viruses and worms from infecting your computer.
Since I am running a firewall as well as a webserver, I see evidence every day of viruses and worms roaming the Internet looking for a computer that is vulnerable. Even if you connect for only a minute, a minute would be enough for you to get infected if you are vulnerable.
I think of the Internet as a neighborhood. Even though I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, I am not going to leave my front door wide open (whether I am at home or not). In fact, my doors tend to be locked at all times.
The Internet is a "not so nice" neighborhood. Please make sure you don't leave your "doors" wide open. If you are concerned that you don't know what to do, let me know. I should be able to walk you thru it.
- Keep your Operating System up to date by visiting WindowsUpdate. On the site, click on "Scan for updates". You should install all "Critical Updates and Service Packs".
- Use an Anti-virus program. I use Norton Antivirus. There are free antivirus software that is available. Let me know if you want links to the the free software. The key is to have the software installed, update the virus definitions weekly and run a full system scan at least weekly.
- If you are connecting to the Internet via broadband (DSL or Cable), you need to use a firewall (either hardware or software). The software I use is called ZoneAlarm. A firewall will make your computer appear to not even be on the Internet.
Since I am running a firewall as well as a webserver, I see evidence every day of viruses and worms roaming the Internet looking for a computer that is vulnerable. Even if you connect for only a minute, a minute would be enough for you to get infected if you are vulnerable.
I think of the Internet as a neighborhood. Even though I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, I am not going to leave my front door wide open (whether I am at home or not). In fact, my doors tend to be locked at all times.
The Internet is a "not so nice" neighborhood. Please make sure you don't leave your "doors" wide open. If you are concerned that you don't know what to do, let me know. I should be able to walk you thru it.
Friday, August 15, 2003
Interesting blog entry
The below link is from a blog called Eject! Eject! Eject!.
It is quite lengthy but I believe it does a good job in trying to describe what makes the United States great.
The article: Trinity
Links that are kinda related to the above... You will understand if you make it thru "Trinity". I purposely didn't name the links so I don't spoil the above story. If you don't want to read all of the above, for sure check out link 2. This is the sort of stuff that I think drove me into the Engineering field.
link 1
link 2
It is quite lengthy but I believe it does a good job in trying to describe what makes the United States great.
The article: Trinity
Links that are kinda related to the above... You will understand if you make it thru "Trinity". I purposely didn't name the links so I don't spoil the above story. If you don't want to read all of the above, for sure check out link 2. This is the sort of stuff that I think drove me into the Engineering field.
link 1
link 2
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Daily Websites that I visit
Below are a set of websites that I pretty much visit every day (or every other day). In no particular order:
I don't know any of the individuals above... I just enjoy reading their sites.
Sandy E. (not Everett, but Engle) will enjoy since I know she is an active subscriber to Flying. is a great site that I use to gather images for my work screen saver.
Not sure if anybody else will find them interesting, would love to hear of websites that other people read on a daily basis.
- jwz's LiveJournal
- Mike's List: The Raw Feed
- Rachel Lucas - Piquance, Impudence, Ordnance
- Jeremy Zawodny's blog
I don't know any of the individuals above... I just enjoy reading their sites.
Sandy E. (not Everett, but Engle) will enjoy since I know she is an active subscriber to Flying. is a great site that I use to gather images for my work screen saver.
Not sure if anybody else will find them interesting, would love to hear of websites that other people read on a daily basis.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Random Selection of Music
I have recently purchased an Apple iPod and just love being able to have my entire CD collection with me at all times (3021 songs at the moment).
I did have to do a couple of things like upgrade from Win98 to WinXP as well as install a Firewire card in the computer. All that work ended up being a day's worth of effort. Ripping my CD's into MP3 was also required. I am getting more and more convinced that the bulk of the computer world is not accessable to the general population.
I will typically listen to music at work allowing the iPod to randomly play songs. It is always fun to be reminded of music that I totally forgot about.
Here are 5 songs that I got to listen to in order today at some point during the day:
Title - Artist - Album
I did have to do a couple of things like upgrade from Win98 to WinXP as well as install a Firewire card in the computer. All that work ended up being a day's worth of effort. Ripping my CD's into MP3 was also required. I am getting more and more convinced that the bulk of the computer world is not accessable to the general population.
I will typically listen to music at work allowing the iPod to randomly play songs. It is always fun to be reminded of music that I totally forgot about.
Here are 5 songs that I got to listen to in order today at some point during the day:
Title - Artist - Album
- Hello - Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory
- End of Innocence (Live) - Jackson Browne, Bruce Hornsby, Bonnie Raitt, Shawn Colvin, David Lindsay
- Cry Freedom - Dave Matthews - Crash
- Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party
- Human Touch - Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Family History
Last night I decided to request Google to crawl the Everett Family Blog. That simply means that at some point people might be able to find the site via searching on Google.
Because of that I did a few searches on Google to see what is out there... I did bump into a site called Everett Families of the South. I couldn't tell when this site was last updated but it seemed intriguing at the surface.
I am always very intrigued about Everett genealogy. I know that Dad has a lot of material. Is there anything that I can do to help? Is there any material that is possibly in a form that I can put up on the site?
I always thought things like the Sons of the American Revolution organizations to be kinda hokey as a kid, but as I get older... my opinion changes. I actually think it would be very cool to belong to such organizations, knowing that I have an ancestor that fought to create the United States.
Based on things that I have read, it seems like people with the surname of Everett were very early settlers to America (as in the 1600's).
Off-Topic Comment: I believe it is fairly easy for anybody to create an entry to the site. It is a little bit more involved than putting in a comment. Let me know if you would like to be added as an author. I made Steve E. an author a week or so ago to test if it was possible.
Because of that I did a few searches on Google to see what is out there... I did bump into a site called Everett Families of the South. I couldn't tell when this site was last updated but it seemed intriguing at the surface.
I am always very intrigued about Everett genealogy. I know that Dad has a lot of material. Is there anything that I can do to help? Is there any material that is possibly in a form that I can put up on the site?
I always thought things like the Sons of the American Revolution organizations to be kinda hokey as a kid, but as I get older... my opinion changes. I actually think it would be very cool to belong to such organizations, knowing that I have an ancestor that fought to create the United States.
Based on things that I have read, it seems like people with the surname of Everett were very early settlers to America (as in the 1600's).
Off-Topic Comment: I believe it is fairly easy for anybody to create an entry to the site. It is a little bit more involved than putting in a comment. Let me know if you would like to be added as an author. I made Steve E. an author a week or so ago to test if it was possible.
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Steve E.'s Summer Book Reviews
It's been a very productive reading summer for me so far. Here are the reviews of the books I've read this summer, in priority order of enjoyment.
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
Have you always wanted to read a book about dead bodies? I didn't know that I did, but I found this book very entertaining. Be warned, it's not for the squeamish. The first chapter opens up with plastic surgeons practicing face lifts on dead people. That may not sound that bad, but you should be aware that the whole body is not needed for this practice. This may seem paradoxical, but the author writes in a very funny and witty style, but maintains respect for the dead bodies. I also enjoyed her visit to Wayne State University, where researches were doing crash tests with cadavers. At one point, the author finds herself sitting alone with a cadaver, who was slouching in the chair. She writes very poignaintly about what it's like to hang out with this dead body. Here's an excerpt:
"By and large, the dead aren't very talented. They can't play water polo, or lace up their boots, or maximize market share. The can't tell a joke, and they can't dance for beans. This is one thing that dead people excel at. They're very good at handling pain."
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson is one of my favorite authors. For example, I highly recommend A Walk in the Woods. In "A Short History", Bryson covers nearly every aspect of science, from the Big Bang, black holes, geology, and evolution. It was great learning how scientists first measured the Earth's weight. It was even more enjoyable reading about the scientists, who were often quite wacky.
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer.
This book is really three stories, weaved into one book. A history of the Mormon religion, a survey of Mormon Fundamentalists, and a true crime story about two fundamentalist Mormon brothers who are told by God to kill their sister-in-law and infant daughter. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion, got his start as a diviner, a seeker of buried treasure using his magic stone. One night an angel appeared to tell Joseph Smith where to find buried gold plates with sacred text. Smith eventually dug up the plates and translated the text by using some magical glasses and his trusty magic stone. Things got a bit more controversial when for Smith and the Mormons when God commanded them to take on multiple wives. Eventually the mainline religion disavowed polygamy, but the fundamentalist splinter groups follow this command to this very day. An exellent book because I learned about the history of the Mormons, pondered over questions about the brothers' murder trial, such as where's the line when religious faith crosses over into insanity? I also highly recommend Krakauer's other books, Into Thin Air and Into the Wild.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Dale, Sharon, and I read the first four books and we read this one too. Fun summer reading. I wish Harry wasn't such a grump in it though. And for a fee, I'll tell you who dies...
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis
I liked it. Probably only interesting to big baseball fans, particularly Oakland A's fans. The story of how Billy Beane, the Oakland A's general manager, built a powerhouse team on a low budget, by going against conventional baseball wisdom. Now only if they could win the World Series!
Prey by Michael Crichton
It's unclear why I bought this book. Perhaps the low price at Costco attracted my attention. OK reading if you have nothing else to read. I still remember Tim's review his previous book, The Lost World. Tim said it seemed like Crichton wrote it in a weekend. I think with Prey, he probably took at least a week. What's more interesting than the book however is the fact that Tim and I both were convinced for a while that Michael Crichton was dead. All indications are that in fact he is very much alive. With that said, I still have a recollection that he's seven feet tall.
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
Have you always wanted to read a book about dead bodies? I didn't know that I did, but I found this book very entertaining. Be warned, it's not for the squeamish. The first chapter opens up with plastic surgeons practicing face lifts on dead people. That may not sound that bad, but you should be aware that the whole body is not needed for this practice. This may seem paradoxical, but the author writes in a very funny and witty style, but maintains respect for the dead bodies. I also enjoyed her visit to Wayne State University, where researches were doing crash tests with cadavers. At one point, the author finds herself sitting alone with a cadaver, who was slouching in the chair. She writes very poignaintly about what it's like to hang out with this dead body. Here's an excerpt:
"By and large, the dead aren't very talented. They can't play water polo, or lace up their boots, or maximize market share. The can't tell a joke, and they can't dance for beans. This is one thing that dead people excel at. They're very good at handling pain."
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson is one of my favorite authors. For example, I highly recommend A Walk in the Woods. In "A Short History", Bryson covers nearly every aspect of science, from the Big Bang, black holes, geology, and evolution. It was great learning how scientists first measured the Earth's weight. It was even more enjoyable reading about the scientists, who were often quite wacky.
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer.
This book is really three stories, weaved into one book. A history of the Mormon religion, a survey of Mormon Fundamentalists, and a true crime story about two fundamentalist Mormon brothers who are told by God to kill their sister-in-law and infant daughter. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion, got his start as a diviner, a seeker of buried treasure using his magic stone. One night an angel appeared to tell Joseph Smith where to find buried gold plates with sacred text. Smith eventually dug up the plates and translated the text by using some magical glasses and his trusty magic stone. Things got a bit more controversial when for Smith and the Mormons when God commanded them to take on multiple wives. Eventually the mainline religion disavowed polygamy, but the fundamentalist splinter groups follow this command to this very day. An exellent book because I learned about the history of the Mormons, pondered over questions about the brothers' murder trial, such as where's the line when religious faith crosses over into insanity? I also highly recommend Krakauer's other books, Into Thin Air and Into the Wild.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Dale, Sharon, and I read the first four books and we read this one too. Fun summer reading. I wish Harry wasn't such a grump in it though. And for a fee, I'll tell you who dies...
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis
I liked it. Probably only interesting to big baseball fans, particularly Oakland A's fans. The story of how Billy Beane, the Oakland A's general manager, built a powerhouse team on a low budget, by going against conventional baseball wisdom. Now only if they could win the World Series!
Prey by Michael Crichton
It's unclear why I bought this book. Perhaps the low price at Costco attracted my attention. OK reading if you have nothing else to read. I still remember Tim's review his previous book, The Lost World. Tim said it seemed like Crichton wrote it in a weekend. I think with Prey, he probably took at least a week. What's more interesting than the book however is the fact that Tim and I both were convinced for a while that Michael Crichton was dead. All indications are that in fact he is very much alive. With that said, I still have a recollection that he's seven feet tall.
California Governor Recall
Three postings in one day!!! A new record.
I have a real dilemma... do I vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger or the other "Arnold" running, Gary Coleman.
I have a real dilemma... do I vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger or the other "Arnold" running, Gary Coleman.

Interesting Money
Sam recently visited a childhood friend. Her friend's (Shawna) family was having a family reunion by chance so Sam was able to see Shawna's brother Guy. I believe Guy was Sam's very first babysitting job.
Guy works in the video production area. He was a camera man for the local Santa Cruz television station. Guy was invited to Clint Eastwood's wedding since he knew the bride very well (she was a news anchorwoman)
From there he moved to Texas to work for Fox. Was part of video production of things such as NFL football, etc. He is now owner of his own video production company that has such clientile (spelling??) such as G.W Bush. GW uses Guy's company for any video production such as his Presidental campaign videos
To make a long story short (as Uncle Charlie used to say)... Guy has been in Iraq working I believe again with Fox News, walking thru Saddam's Palaces as well as other things.
He gave Sam 4 250 Dinar bills that Sam claimed he picked up in one of Saddam's Palaces. I am a little suspicious of that story, considering Sam had a guitar picked tossed to her after a concert and she proceeded to claim it was from Keith Urban (country music star) :)
Do you think the CIA would run a DNA test for me to determine if Saddam had ever touched the money???
Also if I ever play that party game called "Six Degrees of Separation", I can claim Tim->Samantha->Guy->GW Bush (I believe that is 3 degrees of separation) as well as Tim->Samantha->Guy->Clint's wife->Clint Eastwood (4 degrees)

I wonder what the people on the back of 250 Dinar are doing or are meant to represent.
Guy works in the video production area. He was a camera man for the local Santa Cruz television station. Guy was invited to Clint Eastwood's wedding since he knew the bride very well (she was a news anchorwoman)
From there he moved to Texas to work for Fox. Was part of video production of things such as NFL football, etc. He is now owner of his own video production company that has such clientile (spelling??) such as G.W Bush. GW uses Guy's company for any video production such as his Presidental campaign videos
To make a long story short (as Uncle Charlie used to say)... Guy has been in Iraq working I believe again with Fox News, walking thru Saddam's Palaces as well as other things.
He gave Sam 4 250 Dinar bills that Sam claimed he picked up in one of Saddam's Palaces. I am a little suspicious of that story, considering Sam had a guitar picked tossed to her after a concert and she proceeded to claim it was from Keith Urban (country music star) :)
Do you think the CIA would run a DNA test for me to determine if Saddam had ever touched the money???
Also if I ever play that party game called "Six Degrees of Separation", I can claim Tim->Samantha->Guy->GW Bush (I believe that is 3 degrees of separation) as well as Tim->Samantha->Guy->Clint's wife->Clint Eastwood (4 degrees)

I wonder what the people on the back of 250 Dinar are doing or are meant to represent.
Informal Coin Collecting
I have started to collect at work from my daily change all of the new state quarters. How many has been release so far? I am curious to see if I am able to get one of each simply by paying attention to my change.
My impromptu collection:
1976 Bicentennial - I always enjoy finding one of these.
State Quarters in order of State Year:
1788 New Hampshire
1788 Virginia
1788 New York
1790 Rhode Island
1791 Vermont
1792 Kentucky
Also Samantha got four very interesting pieces of money recently. Look for that entry in the very near future along with a small story.
My impromptu collection:
1976 Bicentennial - I always enjoy finding one of these.
State Quarters in order of State Year:
1788 New Hampshire
1788 Virginia
1788 New York
1790 Rhode Island
1791 Vermont
1792 Kentucky
Also Samantha got four very interesting pieces of money recently. Look for that entry in the very near future along with a small story.
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Saturday, August 02, 2003
Batman Deadend
Very cool 8 minute short movie, Batman Deadend. It was made to showcase the skills of a director that would love to be given the chance to direct the next Batman movie.
It is a fairly hefty download at 48MB, but is worth the wait. It does require Quicktime from Apple
Batman Deadend
It is a fairly hefty download at 48MB, but is worth the wait. It does require Quicktime from Apple
Batman Deadend
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Is that me in that birthday picture?
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
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