Thursday, May 13, 2004

Reading Material

If you ever need an idea for a book to read, visit this site: 101 Great Books - Recommended for H.S. Students & Readers of All Ages.

My current reading selection is The Face by Dean Koontz. Dean Koontz books are good airplane books, not too challenging of a read and usually mindlessly entertaining.


SteveE said...

My current reading selection is "The Devil in the White City" as recommended by my mom and Sandy. The book is about two true stories. The first story is about the 1893 Chicago World Fair, especially about the architects of the fair. The second story is about a psychopathic graduate of the University of Michigan (!) medical school who is a serial killer of many young women. It's a fascinating book which led me find a number of different websites on the Chicago World Fair and Daniel Burnham (the organizing architect of the fair). The Science and Industry Museum is the only surviving building from the fair.

Sheryl said...

yeah...Dean Koontz books are pretty good. I have quite a few of his BUT they do tend to get "weird" at times. My all time favorite author is James Patterson though. LOVE HIS BOOKS!!!