Terraserver: http://terraserver.microsoft.com/default.aspx
Here is my house
Below is a slightly correct view, the little push pin isn't correct on the site. My house is the one circled with the bluish color. You can click on the image to see a bigger view of it.

UPDATE: I knew there was another site that does something similiar: GlobeXplorer - http://www.globexplorer.com
Another picture of my house (first house on the bottom from the left (next to the park). You can see my old Mustang in the driveway. This picture was taken 6/22/00. At this point, the Mustang had been parked and not moved for ~ 2 years. Very glad that I finally got rid of it this year.

In this picture, you can see the condos where the vineyards were located. The watermarks are annoying...

I had meet a friend of a friend that worked for GlobeXplorer at a little party (I think during the Christmas time frame last year). Small world...
Very cool. It must have been taken a while ago as the vineyard is still there.
According to the site, the picture was taken 9/13/98. As Steve mentions in his comment, the dark area at the end of my street to the right is vineyards. The big white building is part of the winery La Rochelle Winery (formerly Mirassou) http://www.lrwine.com/
The vineyards have been removed and replaced with condos. There still is vineyards but they are on the other side of the winery.
Mom and I tried to find their house. No luck. We gave up after trying for about 5 minutes....too hard.
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