A place for the Everett Family. Used for family news, random bits of interesting stuff found via the Internet, Monkey Friday, Left Hand Alert and whatever we decide to post.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
SF Giants Recap

Hyperion Engineering had a "field trip" yesterday to the San Francisco Giants vs Arizona Diamondback baseball game.
Final score: 6 to 3, Giants lose
Tim's Recap (once again in list form)
- Rode up to San Francisco with Dana
- Stopped in San Carlos (I think) for Peet's Coffee. Dana supposedly is crazy for Peet's coffee. I had a hot chocolate and a chocolate cookie. Any guesses on what type of food I like???
- Oh yeah, Dana also got a vegan scone from Peet's
- Superb driving by Dana, no dings, no bumps, or bloodshed. Passenger side brake wasn't even touched.
- Parked for free in Dana's "secret" parking area. Willing to accept offers (cash) to dilvuge the secret.
- Made Dana worry about her secret parking spot due to its potential illegality, both location and length of time parked
- Made mental note of "plan b" travel plans in case Dana's car was towed away
- Scoped out food and beer, we decided to go with nachos and Guinness beer. Dana was shocked at the cost of the two beers ($16.50). Nachos were $7.50 I believe
- Picture taken by Hyperion coworker of Dana and I in our seats prior to the game starting. Will either place picture on site or delete depending on how silly it makes me look. If Dana looks sillier than me, picture will make its appearance on the site
- Probability of Dana looking sillier than me. < 1%
- A bunch of baseball was played: two home runs (one per team), infield fly rule called, a double steal (second and home plate), and a batter hit with the ball.
- No Barry Bonds, resting up for his offseason.
- Two foul balls in our general direction (third base side in the corner, lower deck)
- I have the answer to the question: Who brings an apple to a baseball game? Dana
- While Dana was being healthy, I ate a toll house chocolate cookie ice cream (cost $5)
- No pee troughs at AT&T Park (SBC Park)(Pacbell Park)
- Dana went into the women's bathroom at the end of the game via the exit, avoiding the line of women going thru the entrance. FYI: Dana is female (just in case you were wondering since the name Dana is gender neutral)
- The big Barry Bonds bobble head with the "do not touch" sign, almost got touched
FYI: Dana made a previous post on the now defunct Original Everett Family Blog.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
More TWE House Pics
49'ers Football Game Recap

I got a call Saturday night from Danielle's husband, Adam, inviting me to go with him to the San Francisco 49'ers vs Philadelphia Eagles. I quickly accepted.
The Eagles won with the final score of 38-24.
Tim's Recap in a form of a list:
- Ate a subway sandwich (I think it was a club sandwich) and drank a Corona beer next to my car on the side of a street
- oh yeah... also ate some chips and salsa
- Once in our seats, Adam stated he hopes they don't have dog races for the half time show (that statement will come back to haunt us)
- Lots of Eagles fans in the stadium and they all seemed to be sitting around us
- First play of the game: ~50 yard flea flicker for the Eagles (hand off to the running back, toss back to the quarterback, and a pass to a wide open receiver)
- Adam and I both got a soda (diet for me, regular for him). Cost: $10.50 for two.
- Very energetic Eagles fans a few rows in front of us. Made me tired just watching them.
- Half time show: Latin traditional dancers. Adam was wishing for little dogs racing now instead of this. I personally believe anything involving dogs is a great half time show.
- 49'ers fan next to Adam was "jawing" with the energetic Eagles fan, his only line though was about the Eagles being weak (kinda odd since they were whomping on the 49'ers), a few different variations but after the first few I should have done what later a Eagles fan did... come up to him and yell "Shut up!!" (drew quite the applause from both 49'ers and Eagles fans)
- Sits were too high to get a view of the cheerleaders so I had to do with adding a picture to this posting
- Peeing in a trough, always reminds me about how special it is to be a male
Updated To Do List Redux
Quick update to the "Summer List" (new name: TWE Life List)
-Deal with the house situation
-Fix a broken tooth(not a front tooth, back left molar)
-Visit Dr. and get back to paying attention to my cholesterol
-Get tire fixed on the Civic
- Visit the Eye Doctor - should really think about lasik
- Stop being a stranger at Gold's Gym
- Get the Accord smogged and registered
-Get cracked windshield fixed on the Civic
-Get downstairs toilet fixed (cause of the flood)
The tile dudes made their appearance today. I have a doctor's appointment for next Tuesday (10/3/06).
The two additions to the list today are also going to be taken care of:
- toilet will be fixed this afternoon
- cracked windshield of Civic will be fixed on Thursday (cracked windshield occurred at least 4 years ago).
- Visit the Eye Doctor - should really think about lasik
- Stop being a stranger at Gold's Gym
- Get the Accord smogged and registered
The tile dudes made their appearance today. I have a doctor's appointment for next Tuesday (10/3/06).
The two additions to the list today are also going to be taken care of:
- toilet will be fixed this afternoon
- cracked windshield of Civic will be fixed on Thursday (cracked windshield occurred at least 4 years ago).
Monday, September 25, 2006
TWE House Tile Work
Laugh for the Day
I found a hilarious blog courtesy of Boing Boing. Check out Joe Mathlete Explains Today's Marmaduke . The blogger takes each day's seriously unfunny Marmaduke comic and explains it in a way to give it a lot more humor. The first comic posted on September 12 made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Original Everett Family Blog
I have made the executive decision to shut down the Original Everett Family Blog.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Happy Week (zefrank)
The Week of Happy has ended. Here is how it started ("hmmmm hand spanking"):
btw: If I was either smarter or more patient, I would fix the overlap that occurs with this posting... but alas I am not either.
Please take the missing letters due to the overlap as a challenge, try to guess what the links on the right sidebar actually are, followed by clicking on them to see if you are right or wrong. A fun activity for the entire family.
the show with zefrank
btw: If I was either smarter or more patient, I would fix the overlap that occurs with this posting... but alas I am not either.
Please take the missing letters due to the overlap as a challenge, try to guess what the links on the right sidebar actually are, followed by clicking on them to see if you are right or wrong. A fun activity for the entire family.
the show with zefrank
zefrank research
Because the readers of the blog demanded it, I have done research about zefrank's different size pupils.

Here are his words about his pupils and the fact that they are not the same size:
Sunday, July 28, 2002
04:56 a.m.
My pupils are two different sizes at the moment. They get that way when I get very tired or when I'm ill. I've been told that its a hereditary trait. My father has the same thing. Most people don't have pupils that do this. In fact there is a very ancient part of the brain, by ancient I mean evolutionarily ancient, that controls your pupils and makes them dilate together as a unit. Normally having eyes that dilate differently is a sign of having a sever injury to the brain. I was told that David Bowie had mismatched pupils but that he developed the trait after being hit in the head. In college I received three concussions (only one was related to alcohol consumption, the other two were Ultimate Frisbee incidents) and each time the pupils thing freaked the crap out of the nurse in the school infirmary. Having a concussion is pretty wild. I didn't go directly to the doctor the first time around. The next morning I tried to read a chapter that was assigned for homework. I read the same sentence over and over again, completely unable to process the information. It was a very bizarre feeling.

Here are his words about his pupils and the fact that they are not the same size:
Sunday, July 28, 2002
04:56 a.m.
My pupils are two different sizes at the moment. They get that way when I get very tired or when I'm ill. I've been told that its a hereditary trait. My father has the same thing. Most people don't have pupils that do this. In fact there is a very ancient part of the brain, by ancient I mean evolutionarily ancient, that controls your pupils and makes them dilate together as a unit. Normally having eyes that dilate differently is a sign of having a sever injury to the brain. I was told that David Bowie had mismatched pupils but that he developed the trait after being hit in the head. In college I received three concussions (only one was related to alcohol consumption, the other two were Ultimate Frisbee incidents) and each time the pupils thing freaked the crap out of the nurse in the school infirmary. Having a concussion is pretty wild. I didn't go directly to the doctor the first time around. The next morning I tried to read a chapter that was assigned for homework. I read the same sentence over and over again, completely unable to process the information. It was a very bizarre feeling.
Flooring Work
The flooring work is going to start next week.
The tile will be laid first in the entry, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room.
The following week the hard wood floors will be installed.
The tile will be laid first in the entry, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room.
The following week the hard wood floors will be installed.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Random Birthday Emails
Even though this year's birthday was a difficult one for me. I did find amusement in the selection of random birthday emails that I got.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day and "birthday season!"
~~~~~ Michael & the Local2Me Team ~~~~~
Tap in to the most amazing knowledge base on the
internet -- your neighbors! www.Local2Me.com
Haven't signed on to Local2Me.com for years
Happy Birthday, TIMOTHY EVERETT!
Sincerely, Robert Varich
Your Allstate Agent
Reasonable email, no other comment
Dear Tim,
Let wine.com help you celebrate another year with a special offer for 10% off your next purchase. Treat yourself to some delicious wines or buy those accessories you've always wanted. You're sure to find the perfect gift for yourself at wine.com!
Click here to begin shopping but don't delay! This offer expires Friday, October 20, 2006. Enter promo code BDAY96488206 at checkout to receive your discount.
The wine.com team
Used to get a weekly newsletter from them though I have stopped that, also have never purchased anything from them.
Dear Tim,
You have received a Webshots eCard.
Just click the link below. Have a great day!
In case you've forgotten, your member name is teverett961.
Click here to pick up your birthday eCard!
ps. You have also received a coupon good for 20% off
your next order from our prints & gifts store. Just use
coupon code BIRTHDAY at checkout.
It has been at least 8 years since I have logged into webshots.
Hello teverett96,
We at TiVo Community would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
Your TiVo Community Team
Another reasonable email, I will typically read postings from the Tivo community team at least a few times a year.
My assumption is that I got the above emails as a sincere birthday greetings as well as to "drum up" business. Needless to say, they were not successful. They have not changed my behavior.
I will continue to buy insurance from Allstate and read the Tivo Community. In regards to the other sites, I guess I will get another annual reminder that they exist in another year.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day and "birthday season!"
~~~~~ Michael & the Local2Me Team ~~~~~
Tap in to the most amazing knowledge base on the
internet -- your neighbors! www.Local2Me.com
Haven't signed on to Local2Me.com for years
Happy Birthday, TIMOTHY EVERETT!
Sincerely, Robert Varich
Your Allstate Agent
Reasonable email, no other comment
Dear Tim,
Let wine.com help you celebrate another year with a special offer for 10% off your next purchase. Treat yourself to some delicious wines or buy those accessories you've always wanted. You're sure to find the perfect gift for yourself at wine.com!
Click here to begin shopping but don't delay! This offer expires Friday, October 20, 2006. Enter promo code BDAY96488206 at checkout to receive your discount.
The wine.com team
Used to get a weekly newsletter from them though I have stopped that, also have never purchased anything from them.
Dear Tim,
You have received a Webshots eCard.
Just click the link below. Have a great day!
In case you've forgotten, your member name is teverett961.
Click here to pick up your birthday eCard!
ps. You have also received a coupon good for 20% off
your next order from our prints & gifts store. Just use
coupon code BIRTHDAY at checkout.
It has been at least 8 years since I have logged into webshots.
Hello teverett96,
We at TiVo Community would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
Your TiVo Community Team
Another reasonable email, I will typically read postings from the Tivo community team at least a few times a year.
My assumption is that I got the above emails as a sincere birthday greetings as well as to "drum up" business. Needless to say, they were not successful. They have not changed my behavior.
I will continue to buy insurance from Allstate and read the Tivo Community. In regards to the other sites, I guess I will get another annual reminder that they exist in another year.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Start of the Impulse Buy List (impulse)

I tend to have a constant mental list of things that I think would be cool to buy, an impulse buy list. Some things stick around on the list and eventually get bought, while others fade away into the dusk.
A good example of an item that was on the list was Tivo. Tivo was probably on my list for at least 4 years. I never said I am an impulse buyer, but I am definitely am an impulse "wanter".
Having the list weeds out those items that might lose their appeal after that initial gut reaction.
An item added to the list as of today: Sonos Digital Music System. The integration with Rhapsody music service has really kicked up the appeal to me. Now I just need to sit on it for a while and contemplate spending $1000 for the system as well as $10 a month for the Rhapsody service.
Happy Birthday Tim!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Done!

The bathroom remodel is complete! It looks great if we do say so ourselves and we do say so!
We can't hold the Grand Opening yet as the sink and backsplash adhesives are still drying.
Possible next project: kitchen and upstairs bathroom sometime next summer. We're taking a break from projects for a few months!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Left Feet (left hand alert)

Gerry Fleck (Eugene Levy) in Best in Show has literally two left feet...
Best in Show is a funny funny movie.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Day 7

Lots of progress today. The shower is done and as you can see from the picture, the floor tile was layed. Some of the painting started today also. Remaining work includes the vanity, the countertop, baseboards, the mirror, the lights, and lots of finishing touches. It's possible the remodel will be done by Friday.
Cruise Control (lyrics)

Cruise Control - Bruce Hornsby
Copy of the song from 4/12/1996 show at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco.
It's been a long time coming, this feeling i've got
That things'll always go your way, such a long shot
Been so deep in the hole, never thought i'd come out
Anything can happen, i know that now
One slip, one fall
A turn of the head can change it all
A step ahead, a step behind
A blink of an eye at the wrong time
North, south, east and west
Spin the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets and it's on we roll
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
Walk tall and away you go
Wheels roll and the whistle will blow
Many miles oh i may roam
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
He was holding on, he trusted me, then he slipped away
He fell hard and now i've just got myself to blame
When he smiled at me finally i came around
You can't worry, you never know so don't beat yourself down
One slip, one fall
A turn of the head can change it all
A step ahead, a step behind
A blink of an eye at the wrong time
North, south, east and west
Spin the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets and it's on we roll
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
Walk tall and away you go
Wheels roll and the whistle will blow
Many miles oh i may roam
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
In my darkest hour, my longest day
Oh my mind was a prison
I could feel it taking me down to stay
Then i said "forget this", it's out of your hands anyway
North, south, east and west
Spin the wheel and hope for the best
Many miles oh i may roam
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
Wheels roll and the whistle will blow
Walk tall and away you go
No regrets and it's on we roll
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
Put it in drive and set the cruise control
Oh where i go i'll go i just don't know
Pick myself up and roll, roll
Up ahead can't see it all
Take it slow, let the cards fall
btw: The song includes one of (if not the) last guitar solo by Jerry Garcia
last btw: I consider myself on "cruise control" at the moment... just keeping the movement going forward.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Updated To Do List
Status of my "Summer" list (considering summer is ending on September 22nd)
-Deal with the house situation
-Fix a broken tooth(not a front tooth, back left molar)
- Visit Dr. and get back to paying attention to my cholesterol
-Get tire fixed on the Civic
- Visit the Eye Doctor - should really think about lasik
- Stop being a stranger at Gold's Gym
And here is an addition:
- Get the Accord smogged and registered
- Visit Dr. and get back to paying attention to my cholesterol
- Visit the Eye Doctor - should really think about lasik
- Stop being a stranger at Gold's Gym
And here is an addition:
- Get the Accord smogged and registered
Monday, September 11, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Day 6

As you can see from the picture, a lot of the shower tile was installed today. We're using natural marble tile, called crema marfil. You're looking straight into the shower, the faucet on the right and the shampoo/soap cut-out in the back left. Also, the walls were all patched up to be ready for painting.
Tomorow, the right wall will be tiled. Also, some of the floor tiles should be installed.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Football Action
Bathroom Remodel - Day 5
Saturday, September 09, 2006
TWE House Update
I went this morning and picked out flooring!!
The next step is for them to come out and measure on Tuesday. The tile work might even get started late next week.
I am going with hand scraped hardwood floors from Virginia Vintage (Maple Heritage) in the family room, living room, dining room, and bedroom.
Kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and probably the entry way is going to be tiles from Marazzi USA (Jade Ochre).

The next step is for them to come out and measure on Tuesday. The tile work might even get started late next week.
I am going with hand scraped hardwood floors from Virginia Vintage (Maple Heritage) in the family room, living room, dining room, and bedroom.
Kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and probably the entry way is going to be tiles from Marazzi USA (Jade Ochre).

Friday, September 08, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Day 4
zefrank observation
I was just watching some zefrank videos, funny stuff, but I noticed something that is oddly distracting.

Do you see it? His left eye pupil is larger than his right eye pupil. I can't stop staring.
Update: Here is a picture where his right eye pupil is the larger one as seen on a different video.

Do you see it? His left eye pupil is larger than his right eye pupil. I can't stop staring.
Update: Here is a picture where his right eye pupil is the larger one as seen on a different video.

zefrank - the show
I found www.zefrank.com about a year ago. He has a lot of great, funny stuff on his website. About a month ago, I discovered zefrank - the show from a www.boingboing.com link. In March, Ze Frank decided to create one video every week day for a year. His videos are hard to describe. They're often goofy but I find them incredibly funny (tears in my eyes from laughing so hard funny). It's my favorite site on the web, I look forward to viewing it every day.
But occasionally he doesn't want to be silly. Like the following post on where he was on 9/11 (click on the thumbnail to view the video if you have a broadband internet connection)
But occasionally he doesn't want to be silly. Like the following post on where he was on 9/11 (click on the thumbnail to view the video if you have a broadband internet connection)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Day 3

Progress was also slowed by the previous owner of our home. He re-piped all the horizontal pipes under the house to copper. But as you may be able to see from the picture, he decided to not remove the old cast iron pipes. So there are four pipes running under the house: cold/hot copper and cold/hot cast iron. These four pipes makes working with the plumbing very difficult. The previous owner also did such a "custom" job on the phone wiring in our house that a retired Pacific Bell employee couldn't sort it out after two hours of work. He was so frustrated that he left and didn't even want to get paid for his time.
All the plumbing is done. Day 4 should bring progress on the shower with waterproofing the walls and floor.
Quick TWE House Update
The walls are being painted. The place is starting to look great.
The next step is picking out flooring, which I will be doing on Saturday.
I am hoping the house will be back in shape before the end of the month!!
The next step is picking out flooring, which I will be doing on Saturday.
I am hoping the house will be back in shape before the end of the month!!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Bathroom Remodel - Days 0 and 2
We're remodeling our downstairs master bathroom. I will keep the faithful blog reader up-to-date with the remodel progress. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of day 1 of the remodel. But trust me, day 2 looks pretty much the same as day 1.
Here's a day 0 picture (also known as the "before" picture)

Here's a day 2 picture. It's after demolition and changing the sink, shower, and toilet water pipes to copper.
Here's a day 0 picture (also known as the "before" picture)

Here's a day 2 picture. It's after demolition and changing the sink, shower, and toilet water pipes to copper.

Handness and Chewing (poll)

I just got back from dealing with my broken "tooth". I quote tooth since it was actually a crown that broke. Which I believe will be less costly to repair since the tooth has already had its nerves yanked out of it (root canal).
What finally caused me to make the visit was yesterday when the crown was pulled out of my head by a piece of bubble gum.
The whole tooth episode got me thinking about the fact that I chew primarily on my left side of my face.
Could that be possibly due to the fact that I am left handed?
Do right handed people chew primarily on the right side?
Am I on to something?
The question/poll: Please leave a comment detailing your hand preference and your chew perference. I know that there is at least one individual in the family that is also left handed. I will also be forwarding this post to as many left handed folks that I can find.
I look forward to seeing the results!
Musical Purchases
Here are my most recent purchases:
Alanis Morissette - So-Called Chaos
Colin Hay - Man @ Work
Alanis Morissette - So-Called Chaos
Colin Hay - Man @ Work
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Cute Project
If you are having a bad day and need to see some "cute", check out the Cute Project.
The most popular "cute" on the site:
The most popular "cute" on the site:
Sunday, September 03, 2006
A Fact, A Purchase, and a FYI

The Fact: If you donate enough money at least once, you will never need to write your address on an envelope again. I get a set of stamps with my address on them at least once a month from many different charities.
The Purchase: I finally bought a new shredder and gave it quite the workout this afternoon shredding at least a few months worth of mail.
The FYI: The "Dead" room is very empty in preparation of the painters, which start on Tuesday. The overall house purge of stuff is still continuing, slowly but surely.
The World's Fastest Indian
The World's Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins is simply a great movie.
The movie conveys a strong sense of human kindness that makes me feel nice and warm. Burt Munro must have been an interesting person in real life.
The real "Fastest Indian"

The movie version
The movie conveys a strong sense of human kindness that makes me feel nice and warm. Burt Munro must have been an interesting person in real life.
The real "Fastest Indian"

The movie version

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Tapestry (quote)
O Do Not Love Too Long (poetry)

O Do Not Love Too Long by William Butler Yeats
Sweetheart, do not love too long:
I loved long and long,
And grew to be out of fashion
Like an old song.
All through the years of our youth
Neither could have known
Their own thought from the other's,
We were so much at one.
But O, in a minute she changed -
O do not love too long,
Or you will grow out of fashion
Like an old song.
Friday, September 01, 2006
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