I got a call Saturday night from Danielle's husband, Adam, inviting me to go with him to the San Francisco 49'ers vs Philadelphia Eagles. I quickly accepted.
The Eagles won with the final score of 38-24.
Tim's Recap in a form of a list:
- Ate a subway sandwich (I think it was a club sandwich) and drank a Corona beer next to my car on the side of a street
- oh yeah... also ate some chips and salsa
- Once in our seats, Adam stated he hopes they don't have dog races for the half time show (that statement will come back to haunt us)
- Lots of Eagles fans in the stadium and they all seemed to be sitting around us
- First play of the game: ~50 yard flea flicker for the Eagles (hand off to the running back, toss back to the quarterback, and a pass to a wide open receiver)
- Adam and I both got a soda (diet for me, regular for him). Cost: $10.50 for two.
- Very energetic Eagles fans a few rows in front of us. Made me tired just watching them.
- Half time show: Latin traditional dancers. Adam was wishing for little dogs racing now instead of this. I personally believe anything involving dogs is a great half time show.
- 49'ers fan next to Adam was "jawing" with the energetic Eagles fan, his only line though was about the Eagles being weak (kinda odd since they were whomping on the 49'ers), a few different variations but after the first few I should have done what later a Eagles fan did... come up to him and yell "Shut up!!" (drew quite the applause from both 49'ers and Eagles fans)
- Sits were too high to get a view of the cheerleaders so I had to do with adding a picture to this posting
- Peeing in a trough, always reminds me about how special it is to be a male
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