Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What is going on with Tim?

Been very quiet on the ol' Everett Family Blog...

I have gotten into a comfortable rhythm (funny looking word) recently.

The life cycle of Tim:

  • Walk / Run a mile at least 3 times a week at 6 am

  • Work a typically 8 to 9 hour day

  • Been cooking dinner at home at least 3 times a week (chicken breast on the George Foreman Grill)

  • Visit Gold's Gym for at least 45 min at least 3 times a week, usually around 9 pm.

  • Nights that I don't go to the gym, at least 60 ab crunches and at least 45 pushups.

  • Volunteering on Thursday nights for two hours with Innvision helping kids with homework and other learning activities during the summer.

Outside of the normal "life cycle", I have been downloading a lot of great live concerts via bittorrent. Requires a bit of busy work to get the music converted into a format that my ipod will play, but well worth it.

Good sites for live concert music:

1 comment:

Steve Schuster said...

Tim, it is good to know that I am not the only one who knows about etree and archive.org.... They are tremendous sites, and have helped me amass over 300 live shows in my collection. Send me an email direct, and I will email you my list. Maybe there are some sets we can trade. Look forward to hearing from you...