Thursday, May 27, 2004

Pictures from "Quite a Storm"

Here is a set of pictures showing the damage done by the storm. Amazing nobody was hurt, and the house and my Dad's car wasn't damaged.

If you click on the picture, you will see the picture full size.


Sandy said...

Lumberjack Bryce is still working on our yard & trees--19 days after the storm. He had to take several days off as he injured his right knee doing too much logging--it was already failing for a time. After three days of pain he actually agreed to take THREE WHOLE IBUPROFEN!! Then the next day, he took two Darvocets--mildest pain killer their is..I left it behind years ago. He's worried about being an addict now. I am NOT kidding. How can he be so brainy in some areas and not listen to the medical specialist Sandy??!!
Well, our power was out six days, came on Thurs. afternoon then went out again Sat. eve. It gets real old real quick. Toolman Bryce had generator he got on a deal from Lowes when year 2000 passed without crisis and everyone brought back the doomsday generators they had bought from Lowes. So he hooked it up to our refrig., a lite up , a lite down, and the phone. Hauled water for bathroom. Bought drinking water. My idea of camping is Disney World Fort Wilderness campground with maid service, air conditioning, hot showers, etc. Screw this back to nature stuff. Bryce loves it.
Storm winds hit 102 mph. Took top half of pine tree behind library wall-blew it over roof, taking out fireplace chimney. Wiped out parts of six trees in front and a lot on back property line. The big tree by the gym set is uprooted and tilted at 45 degree angle, STILL. Paul Bunyan is leaving that up to professional tree people.
He goes to see orthopedic surgeon next Weds.
Have lots of social commentary on how power company "going to fix populated areas first" and St. Joe power was on the day after the storm--Sat., yet Benton Harbor schools still had to be
closed for two days the next week as BH had no power. Let's see...population numbers?? Hmmmm....
With propane so high, Paul is stacking the lumber to burn in our sidekick wood furnace next to gas furnace in the basement. He's building a chute down through the basement window to save muscles, aches and pains.

Sandy said...

That is NOT 19 days..that is supposed to be 11 days. Sorry.